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Fashion advice sort.


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Hi All

Although I have just joined, I have been a lurker on this board for many a year, so I feel I know many of you well.

This might be a mistake as my first post, but moderators please bare with me, I do feel this is the correct place to ask this question.

I am a man in the girls forum, but I am asking about my wife and only wish female replies, I hope this fits in with the rules?

We were in Aldo the other week and my wife said she quite liked these http://www.aldoshoes.com/us/women/pumps/peep-toe/78033099-vanhove/28 (We're in the UK, but they appear to have been removed from the UK site).

This was a real surprise to me, because tha absolute max heel she wears in 4" and normally on an ankle boot with jeans.

So, I bought them for her as an Easter present, but now she has them, she is concerned that "she will look like mutton dressed as lamb" I'm not sure if you have that expression in the US?

If she wears heels in the summer, it is normally with long cotton trousers, so that she doesn't show much leg. She is aged 45 and varies between as size 16 / 18 (US 14/16). Now to wear these, she will probabably need even longer cotton trousers and none of her other shoes will be high enough to wear with those trousers.

So girls, can you give me any fashion tips as to what would go well with these shoes and still fit with my wifes concience that she is no longer a spring chicken and over weight (I don't intend to be rude, these are her words.)



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HHadict:-) I'm sure that you and your wife will get some helpful answers to your question possibly from both male and female posters. Why don't you tell us a bit about just what excites you about high heels and post it in the "Hellos, goodbyes" thread. Welcome to the HH Place Forum. Cheers--- Dawn HH

High Heeled Boots Forever!

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