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Posts posted by batspring40

  1. Thanks, Partyshoes, I'll check those sources out. No, I have had medical treatment for the knee, but it only worked to a certain degree. As I said in my original post, I chanced on the high-heel option quite by chance. It sounded so unlikely that I gave it several days before venturing to hope, so I don't blame the doctor. But it is still working. Yesterday I had to stand/walk around for three hours on the hard, hard, hard floors of a shopping centre (not of my own doing, I was the chauffeur) and it didn't do a thing to my knee. So it's high heels or bust. Well, there are a lot of worse problems to have.

  2. Hi - I always admired women in high heels, but I also have a strange heel problem of my own. For the last two years I have had a troublesome and often painful right knee which was aggravated when I was manhandled during a robbery. Then just recently I discovered by sheer chance, when putting on a pair of boots that I hadn't worn in 25 years, that with a heel of about two inches the pain disappears. So that looks likethe shape of the future for me, the only problem being, of course, that it's not easy to find two-inch heels in men's shoes. Any suggestions?

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