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Posts posted by muleman34

  1. ok,good point , sorry for putting it in the wrong place. And just to add that the womens comments i would say count more than the males as we just observe and dont partake. o.k. should i hand the shovel back now the hole is big enough thahave dug for my self :)

  2. hi all, this is a question for all the females here and males if you want to comment. In the winter time when out shopping or just doing day to day things do you wrap up warm i.e. wear boots or do you wear pumps , mules or sandals with bare feet? I only ask because i used to be a delivery driver and on some realy cold days i used to see women with just skirts and bare feet/legs and sandals on? do women just do this to make us men go Wow :) as i do (i find it realy sexy)? or is it a comfort thing or fashion thing? is it not harder to walk in heels when your feet are cold and lastly have any of you got experiances of this? hope that was not too long winded for you all. :o

  3. hi ellan j, this is my first time at posting but i have been looking at your posts and you have the most amazing feet and heels collection i have ever seen. :) can i ask a question? the white heels you are wearing in the car pics have you ever worn them in the winter with bare feet in the snow or frost :o or have you any pics you could post like thiis you would make my year seeing those sexy feet cold? keep up the good posts and all the best?

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