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Posts posted by marymoult

  1. You said "doctor" - is he a generalist or a specialist? Seek the advice of a qualified podartrist. I had a similar problem so time ago. The doctor said "probably due to tight shoes". Since I do not buy, let alone wear, tight shoes, I saw a podartrist, who soon diagnosed, and solved, the problem. And I did not have to get rid of a single shoe!

  2. This post reminded me of an incident many years ago - it is slightly off-topic, but I hope you will excuse me. I was travelling on a crowded commuter train (a sardine can experience!) when I became aware of a guy behind me groping my bottom. Rather that say anything and bring attention to myself, I resolved to put an end to his activities for good. A few minutes later we approached a station (not mine). After we had stopped, I started to force my way out (as if I had forgotten where I was). As I did so, I slammed my stiletto heel down on the foot of my assaliant. I got out just as the doors were closing, but I could still hear the angquished cries! It was a little while before I could board another train, but at the next station, I saw that the paramedics were still working on my groper's foot. About a week later, I overheard a conversation in a train between two men talking about a third. Their mutual friend had had a habit of groping women in crowded trains and then boasting about his exploits. But, so went the conversation, some woman had fought back with her high heel breaking a number of his bones. He was still hospitalised, but had decided that when he was fit enough to return to work, he would cease his "hobby". I regret that I didn't have the guts to identify myself to the two men. It did show me how potent a high heel could be in the right situation. Mary

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