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Posts posted by quirm

  1. A while ago I bought my wife some Beverley thigh boots (Pleaser brand). They seem really nice, but she doesn't wear them often because she can't bend her knees in them. (Sadly the sexiness of the boots is ruined by her moving in a robotic manner due to not being able to bend her legs.) Anybody got any suggestions how to fix this? Is the problem caused by her having short legs (especially short calves)? Or do the boots just need much more wearing in and then they will bend more easily?

  2. Fair enough suggestion... funds prevent buying both immediately. Anybody able to clarify any differences - I can't see a huge difference from the catalogue-style photos at online shops though I see the Susie is slightly more expensive. (I believe I'd be able to order a pair of the Susies earlier though.)

  3. (Hope this is the right place to post this... I'm new here.) I'm about to buy some thigh boots for my wife. :D I'm considering the Pleaser Beverlys or the Ellie Susies. Can someone make a recommendation between the two?

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