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Posts posted by clicker

  1. We were in the Shoe Lounge in Harrods the other week and saw the Louboutin Boots. It took a lot to walk away without either of us buying them. We'll see how finances are after Christmas spends and maybe get some. They look good in the pictures, when you've got them in your hands you can feel the quality.

  2. I agree with Heelium about the Sizing. I tried some on in my usual faith 8 and they were sloppy. I tried a 7 and they were fine. It is strange as all my other faith 8's are fine but these for some reason are a size generous. C

  3. Hey all, Well, we met up last night for the first time since the fall out and things were cool. Off out tonight together so we'll carry on from where we left off I reckon and put this incident behind us. I'm not the most prolific poster but I'm sure you'll hear from us again soon. I know how you all like pictures of everyones collections so I'll see if manolo lover wants hers displayed. Thanks for your input and here's to a happy ending Edited for spelling (again)

  4. Ok so I'll put my side of the story accross.... I met a girl somewhat younger than me. Within a short space of knowing here I confessed my love of heels and in fact that I do very much enjoy wearing them. Mainly boots but there are some shoes out there that I like. As I expected this was a bit of a shock for her but she took it well. She told me that she had told one of her colleagues and I was immediately concerned. This is such an incredibly private matter that I trusted her with it and it was quickly shared with someone I didn't know. I expressed my concern that only maybe 3 people know about this and that is how I'd like it to stay. Her response was " I needed someone to tell or I'd freak out" so I accepted that and appreciated the fact that she was delaing with it. Sometime later she tells me that she has told one of her friends. Again I expressed my wishes that this is not something to be spread about and it woul dmake me not want to say any more private things incase they became common knowledge. I do not hide my desire for the heels around her, we do talk openly about it and she has expressed her Limits and I accept that. she did ask me to try them on in front of her once and it wasn't an easy thing for her to do, it didn't take her fancy at all and they were quickly back in the cupboard. We still talk about them, we still both look at them on web sites and she knows I still like to wear them. I also appreciate she needs to talk to someone else other than me about this but in 10 years I've told 3 people. in 4 months that number has doubled. I have been accused of misjudging her and her friends. However I've never met these friends, and according to a previous post I probably never will. This seems strange to me that I may never meet her friends! I am thoroughly miffed that my biggest secret has become what to me seems widespread. I'm sure her trust in her friends not telling anyone else is solid, but so was my trust in telling her. In reality I don't expect them to tell anyone under normal circumstances but picture this scenario. We have an argument and fall out (similar to what is happening now), perhaps smaller, perhaps bigger. One of these falling outs could from her side see me as a bad person and of course she will seek consolation from friends. These friends know about my choices in footwear and clearly this is a chink in the armour when it comes to all the things I did wrong. In their wrath I fear the truth will become more widespread than it is. I do go out in public wearing my heels occasionally. Granted I choose my times and locations carefuly. Some days I'm noncholant about it, some days I'm pretty cagey where and when I go. So technically I'm not in the shoe closet, but also know full well the implications on my life if the information were to fall into the wrong hands be it from an overheard conversation, or an angry conversation. So there's my thoughts on the situation. now for my thoughts on the girl. She is fantastic, she accepts my shoes as part of me and who I am. I know from reading this forum for a long time that this is few and far between to be able to openly discuss this with the person you feel the most for. We get on well, we don't argue, (ahem, of course there is this small technicality), she's attractive, pretty, sexy, caring and I feel a lot for her. But this has put a cloud over that and now I feel I have my views on trust and the level of secrecy I feel this needs, and I believe she has views on my ability to believe in the trust of her friends who I don't know. i think, I don't know!!!!!! Hopefully when I next see her we will be able to work something out but I think she feels as strongly about her side of the story as I do mine. If I thought it would fix things I'd just say I'm sorry for being annoyed at other people finding out, but I don't want other people finding out until I feel i want them to know so I'd still be worried about the spread. I hope it is resolved in the good way and soon

  5. You can adjust the fit with the fold although not by a great deal. I normally take a size 8 in Faith boots but with these I'm easily in a 7. They are definitely comfortable and for me, a piece of cake to walk in. I don't have big calves so without tucking jeans into them they are a bit loose on my legs. available in black, pink, and grey Clicker

  6. Another trip out to London

    Today I took one of my girlie chums into London for a wander round the shops with a definite intention to spend spend spend. Typically I came back with a couple of CD's and no more!

    My girlie chum has known for a while now about my boot wearing and agreed to come round with me while I had some reasonably discreet ones on. Towards the end I asked her how many people she saw with double takes and funny looks. She saw more than I did but sha agreed that not many people look or care. Her favourite was first thing the look on a blokes face in macdonalds when he realised I had them on.

    Went into both the faith shops but I have everything I want from there at the moment so will have to wait for some new styles to come out.

    These are the boots I wore today

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  7. Heelson,

    I went into that very faith shop on Tuesday wearing a pair of the shoes you were looking to buy. I was after some other boots. The thread is here http://www.hhplace.org/hhboard/viewtopic.php?t=5167

    but the bit about my visit to faith i'll paste here...

    Well today I drove into London and parked up about 1/2 a mile from the Faith shop on Oxford Street. I wore the shoes and some jeans that came to the top of the shoes leaving them on display.

    I walked down Oxford street catching a few peoples eyes spot the shoes then spot me, no one murmured a thing or even looked the remotest bit suprised. Strangely this is the reason why I went there as I feel there are so many different walks of life in london that it's all been seen before.

    I went past faith first and into the large Topshop a little further down. They have a massive footwear section downstairs now and have quite a large selection of faiths shoes and boots. I asked one staff member for the black buckle boots in my size but they didn't have any. I wandered round but decided I'd head off to faith and see what they had.

    The assistant saw my shoes and I saw the small suprise in her eyes but she was perfectly fine and I had a quick look about and then asked her for the boots in my size. They took a while to appear but when they did another assistant brought them over and was again cool with me tryng them on. a little large so I asked for the smaller size, they were good but something didn't click with me on them, I really like them but I didn't have that must have feeling. The assistant said she wanted a pair too but I said I'd have a think and off I went thanking them for their help.

    I'm heading back that way on Saturday (if all plans hold up) so I expect I will buy them then depending on if I see something else between now and then.

    I've been heading out in public for some years now and each time I still have confident moments and non confident moments. Today clearly a confident moment and certainly feel, although I'm not a fan of London, that I could wander round there in any of my boots or shoes and the population will generally shrug it off.

    I also think the pictures will come this saturday as one of my girlie friends is coming with me and I'll get her to take the snaps rather than my outstretched arm.

    So not only have the rest of the gang been priming the staff well, I was in there only a day before! The shoes are definitely worth getting, mine are an 8 and i walked round for ages in them.

  8. Well today I drove into London and parked up about 1/2 a mile from the Faith shop on Oxford Street. I wore the shoes and some jeans that came to the top of the shoes leaving them on display. I walked down Oxford street catching a few peoples eyes spot the shoes then spot me, no one murmured a thing or even looked the remotest bit suprised. Strangely this is the reason why I went there as I feel there are so many different walks of life in london that it's all been seen before. I went past faith first and into the large Topshop a little further down. They have a massive footwear section downstairs now and have quite a large selection of faiths shoes and boots. I asked one staff member for the black buckle boots in my size but they didn't have any. I wandered round but decided I'd head off to faith and see what they had. The assistant saw my shoes and I saw the small suprise in her eyes but she was perfectly fine and I had a quick look about and then asked her for the boots in my size. They took a while to appear but when they did another assistant brought them over and was again cool with me tryng them on. a little large so I asked for the smaller size, they were good but something didn't click with me on them, I really like them but I didn't have that must have feeling. The assistant said she wanted a pair too but I said I'd have a think and off I went thanking them for their help. I'm heading back that way on Saturday (if all plans hold up) so I expect I will buy them then depending on if I see something else between now and then. I've been heading out in public for some years now and each time I still have confident moments and non confident moments. Today clearly a confident moment and certainly feel, although I'm not a fan of London, that I could wander round there in any of my boots or shoes and the population will generally shrug it off. I also think the pictures will come this saturday as one of my girlie friends is coming with me and I'll get her to take the snaps rather than my outstretched arm. Cheers

  9. Well thanks all for your thoughts. I did buy the shoes with the stitching and I'm pleased I did I've worn them a few times out and about, sometimes in not so public places but also a couple of times in busy shopping areas. They weren't covered at all by my trousers so it was a definite open heeling experience. Sometimes I wear longer jeans to take away the obviousness but this was a blatant display of disregard for anyones thoughts. One lad in a shop came over to ask if I needed any help with my browsing, looked at me, probably thought blimey he's tall, looked at my feet and looked at my face again with a bit of disbelief, I assured him I was fine and carried on my way. Got a few more funny looks but no other close encounters. Then I went to a smaller shopping area where there was a drunk on the street, he had something to shout but I couldn't make it out and also couldn't care. They are pretty high but not extreme, certainly comfortable and I feel I could wear them for a decent length of time. Looking at the november heel meet in London I really hope to make it along and may wear them but I prefer boots really so will see how I feel on the day. As I said in the first post I also have the second pair of boots but in black. I've worn these a few times also but am still favouring the shoes over all my other stuff at the moment. Where I would wear my jeans outside my boots some of the boots I've bought recently lend themselves well to having jeans tucked in. I've been out once like this but that wasn't a busy place and only the man in the shop spotted but got on with serving me with nothing more than a funny look. Tomorrow all being well I'm palnning on another outing but it all depends on the day as to how blatant I want to be. maybe I'll go all out again or maybe I'll cover them with long jeans. Almost all of my boots are high spike heels with pointed toes, only a couple of pairs are chunky with round heels so I can only be so discreet anyway. I'll get some pictures together soon to show how they all look on. Cheers

  10. Well I first saw these and felt a strange reaction, I don't particularly like them, but i have an overwhelming desire to have them. I can't fathom what it is about them and one of my girl friends thinks that they are repulsive. I sort of agree but I really really like them. So much so I intend to pick them up tomorrow if I have time.

    Posted Image

    If i should decide not to go for them then I will be taking these away with me

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    Both are from Faith (uk)

    On top of that I bought these the other week from nine west but in black

    Posted Image

    I prefer pointed heels and pointed toes but I kinda liked these. I was always a fan of jeans/trousers over the boots but with these two styles they lend themselves to having jens tucked in, but this requires a bit more confidence. some days i have it some days not so much.

    Any views you have on the first pair of shoes would be welcome, even if you hate them I understand it, but i gotta have em!



  11. Thanks for all your good comments. So, here's todays story. I left work about 12 ish today and headed for Brent Cross Shopping center in London. It's a bit poor really there for shops but still I knew it was very unlikely I would see anyone I knew. I had a wander round first to check out what was going on and how busy it was. I went back to the car and changed into the boots I recently purchased in the pic above. I decided balls to everything, I'm going in. So I headed for the doors when it was quite quiet and into Fenwick department store. I wandered round, on carpet where I could, and then just made my way around, a bit of hiding my feet behind stands and boxes until the coast was clear, and then accross the wooden floor to the next "safe" spot. Something made me decide to hop on the escalator and head upstairs, so when i got there I lookd for the shoe department and headed over for it. I had a quick look about and got it into my head that if there was something I liked the look of I would try them on, but the boot section was pretty lame. So i then headed back for the car, down the escalator, a few diversions, and towards the door.... as I got there, I realised it was the wrong door.... As I had no idea which door it was I came in through (mind was preoccupied funnily enough) I went out this door and walked around the outside of the building until I came back to my car. I'm sure a few people noticed as my jeans certainly didn't cover up any of the heel, and they steel tips make a fair old click. but no real looks towards me and certianly no comments I overheard. They may well have been pointing and staring when my back was to them but sod em all. These boots are pretty full on and if I can manage it in these, then some of my less noisy, less spiky, less pointy boots I'm pretty sure I could venture out of the department store and into the main shopping area. I can see me visiting there again very soon! Dawn, The GF certainly doesn't mind me wearing them, she finds it a bit funny and a bit wierd but she accepts it. She isn't comfortable about coming out with me wearing them though. She isn't too good herself on the high heels with stability but I'm starting to train her up, also she has a bit of a dodgy leg and that doesn't help matters. However it does help that we have much the same tastes so she can always wear mine if she wants. She doesn't know quite how many I have though, I think she is aware of two and suspects I have more, but I haven't mentioned that I have about 20 pairs.... slowly does it :-) Anyway some of those need to go to harity shops or something as I don't wear a good few of them now, just seems such a shame!

  12. Jo, good effort, always foiled by the pesky bargain hunters! Dawn, Fit and feel is great, definitely a pair of my favourites. I originally wanted a pair of the Manum 1 boots (these are Magnum 2) but kinda never happened. Wish I had now. still available from some websites but not that bothered I guess now. They were worn out on the way home! couldn't wait :-) Worn them to the girlfriends and also wore them out a bit last night in a couple of shops. Intentions are high to get a bit braver with a slightly more public place tomorrow than the odd newsagents. Will pop into a department store is the plan..... We'll see how the bottle goes. I've done it in some of my boots but not so much in the spike heels as they are quite noisy, but I'm going on it being busy enough for it to be unnoticed. And as we find readign other threads, it's always louder to those wearing them and conscious of them. Pics I'm sure will come soon enough. stll not got an auto camera so will see what I can find. Will ahve to buy one I guess soon!

  13. I've always been quite noncholant about walkign into shops buying boots and shoes be any of it for the girlfriends or for me. I don't feel particularly brave or any more corageous than those of you that aren't so happy to just point out the ones you want and say "I'll have those in an 8 please" as I've never tried them on in a shop and do tend to make out they arent for me if it seems to be heading that way.

    I'm a big fan of faith (www.faith.co.uk) and often linger over their boot collections online and then I can see what I like and either print out the picture or the model code and walk into te shop and say my girlfriend wants these can you fetch them please! Kinda like the sterotypical blonde in a car garage.

    But last week I went into faith in London and purchased some of these

    I was soooo close to trying them on there and then but it was quite busy, and while this wasn't the issue, the sale racks were up and they were all around the area where you would try them on so it would have ended up in a big toe treading session. So from precious experience I knew an 8 would be fine and went ahead and purchased them. £85 of very very nice boot. Took them home and showed the girlfriend, she tried them on but isn't very stable on heels at all and I certainly win in the heel ability stakes. Luckily I'm a size 8 so finding boots is very easy, although I do notice that some of the nicer styles in other shops do fade away at a 5 and a 6.

    Ho hum, that's me for now :)

    edited for dead photo link

  14. hi clicker that is one awesome boot collection you obviously enjoy your heels but can i pls ask you where you got thse stunning backless ones from as they look amazing XXXX

    Hi, thanks for your appreciation. The backless ones were from one of the kind of side street market shops. The ones that sell most shoes and boots for £25-£40. all copies or cheapies. Can't remember which shop exactly as I've seen them in a few places. Think it may have been a ship in reading in the old shoping center.

  15. Hi all, thanks for the comments, shyguy funny you should say that you like them but probably wouldn't own any yourself.... as when I was looking at the pictures I looked at them in a different light to that of the times over the years when I bought them. I still like most of them although I don't wear them all really any more. Trolldeg, Dawn. I know the angle isn't the best. Unfortunately no timer on the camera so I had to hold it at arms length and do the best I could :) And it also isn't the fastest camera in the land so checking each pic before going onto the next was a bit of a chore, so I just rattled through them all and then uploaded to the PC. I'll work on it and see what I can do. The GF is pretty accommadating so I'll see what I can convince her to do. Loveheel, The blue boots are denim not suede I regret to inform you, I don't recall wearing them out as it goes as I'm not really that keen on them and kinda bought them on impulse and decided they weren't really for me. I suppose while I'm here i mights as well give you a bit of Background on me. I have been wearing boots and heels for some time now and also in public a bit, mainly corner shop visits and the late night walk here and there. Some days I go out with out a care and am not fussed about the looks or sound the heels make, some days I'm a little more reserved. I've no desire to look or dress like I woman, I'm simply in it for the boots mainly and then the shoes. Having said that, I also like a bit of variety now and then and it's all a bit of fun. But those that have viewed the boots and thought, hmm I don't like those, just consider the foot area alone and forget the leg section of the boot as this is 99% of the time covered. For instance, the open backed strap boots. I like those because the toe is quite a short length, high and pointy, but comes in quickly so is a little more compact, but I'm not too keen on the open back so they are worn with Jeans that just cover my heel. More ramblings another time I'm sure. Clicker

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