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Posts posted by highonheels

  1. Hi to all who attended the heel-meet - it was great to meet so many 'heelfans'! And particular thanks to Heelfan for hosting the event, the buffet lunch (also thanks to Firefox), and just generally making everyone feel very welcome. Sorry I had to leave early - had to get back for an evening engagement. My first time out in 5 1/2" stilettos (navy courts, size 8, with ankle strap) was quite educational, and a wonderfully liberating experience. No real problems, except the balls of my feet got quite sore - but I'll ease that next time with some cushion pads. The only adverse reactions to our group (and perhaps me or Xaphod in particular) were a couple of occasions of groups of young girls laughing hysterically. On the plus side we had several people come up to us to ask what we were doing (e.g. see earlier post on West Indian women) - not something I think would ever happen with other unusual types of clothing. There were quite a few classic 'double-takes' by people as they walked past us, but most people didn't notice or didn't care. On the whole a great day, and the weather managed to stay fine while we were out which certainly helped. I'm sure the meet would've benefited from a few more ladies to balance the numbers though. I don't understand why women would miss an opportunity to go shopping for shoes.. :D Hope to see you all soon. Highonheels

  2. Hi! I'm searching for a music video that I saw briefly in the UK around 4-5 years ago. If anyone can help to identify it then other members should certainly be interested in it as well. I was in a local bar playing pool and half-watching a sat music channel when my attention was drawn to an attractive woman sitting on a wooden chair in the middle of large and otherwise empty room - a bit like a warehouse. She was wearing very high-heeled sandals and there were various shots (in typical music video style) of the woman, the shoes, the room, etc. There was also a man that was walking around. Unfortunately I have no idea what the song was. A friend of mine said that the artist was J Lo but I haven't been able to find the video by searching J Lo sources, so it may or may not be her. Anyone remember this video / know who it is / where to get a copy?

  3. Hi all! I'm new to this site and have just been reading some of threads to get a feeling for it. It's great that there's such a community of heel-lovers. I live in the Midlands, UK, and would like to try to get down to the meet in Bristol on the 11 Sep. I notice that there hasn't been any postings on this thread recently but I assume it's still on. I'll keep checking the thread for updates. Hope to see some of you soon!

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