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Posts posted by jenniferhouston1

  1. Birkinstocks are a notoriously ugly flat shoe that some women and men wear for comfort. My comment was just me being humorous :) Fred, I wear heels everyday, and only own a couple pair of flats for dire emergencies and a pair of tennis shoes for exercising. My husband introduced me to heels before we were married and now its a ritual for me. People are used to seeing me now in only heels, so I don't get much reaction when I wear them to football games or outdoor activities. When I stand in them for long periods, obviously, my toes feel it. But, considering what my husband does for me, I gladly wear them for him (I know, it sounds "stepford", but that's me)

  2. I am glad I am not Victoria Beckham with the constant media scrutiny. Our family will be visiting Disney World this year, and yes, on most days, you will find me in a sundress and some stiletto sandals. While I am used to some of the stares, or occasional comments, I would hate to read about my choice in attire in the paper the next day. To me it shows how twisted our society is that we criticize someone who makes an effort to look nice when doing mundane things. Its almost like society says "Hey, we wear sweatpants, sports shoes, without any makeup on weekends, so you should too!!! or else!" I, for one, am glad Victoria rejects that pressure!

  3. My personal opinion would be not to raise the "abuse" alarm so quickly to the original OP. There are some of us (a distinct minority) who long for the days of a strong mate/husband who we love to dress for. As long as it is not disturbing to the public or profane, I see no problem with my husband keeping me in heels or any other outfit he chooses for a cruise or for a vacation. After all, he is paying for it and taking care of me. I know this lifestyle does not fit everyone's ideals, but i just ask that we consider that there are healthy relationships built around the husband as the leader, provider, and wardrobe selector ;-) Jenn

  4. Like 24/7 posted, my agreement with my hubby is to only take off my shoes with his permission. If I asked at a party to do so, he would smile and say "absolutely not". I like looking presentable for him and put together. My worst temptation was to slip some 5 inch mules off at a pool party where the other ladies were in wedges or flip flops. Even though hubby was not there, I withstood the aches and kept my shoes on, smiling all the same. ;-)

  5. Delivery for me (in the United States) was 2 to 3 times the delivery estimate stated on the website. So, you will need patience. However, the final products were beautiful. I had a sizing issue on one of the pairs made in the UK and imported to Elite-Heels. Overall, I recommend, as long as you are not in a hurry. Jennifer

  6. Yes and Yes. I do love heels, but I started wearing them for him. He loves to pamper me my buying me wonderful shoes, and I love looking well heeled for him. Now do I ever feel like trading them for tennies when I am with all the other moms at school or at the park? Sure. And thats when I am wearing my heels for him. He wants me to be different from the sweat pant, flip flop wearing moms, and I do so. So, its mutual, but at times I wear them to obey my husband. (I know, I know, that is so 1950s, but that is me :thumbsup: )

  7. Did anyone here try a pair of "Cole Haan" heels yet?.

    If so, is it true that they are a major breakthrough in comfort?.


    It is the Cole Hahn "Nike Air" brand you are referring to. I have three pair and I do like them for times I will be walking alot. The biggest effect is the air in the foot pad area.

    I wore them to Disney World with the family and made it most of the day in them! (several days) So, I am a believer in them!


  8. Can anyone give me any feedback on this website. I love some of their designs, but they seem very similar to the 6 Inch Heels Forever website. If they are just a european resaler, I am not interested. Any info out there? Thanks Jennifer

  9. 6IHF (Six Inch Heels Forever) had some threads commenting on quality and fit before many posts were losts after Feb 2005. My only experience with them is that they could not get the sizing right on shoes after two attempts, with foot sketches and detailed measurements. Furthermore, they were very reticent to make exchanges based on bad fitting. Best of luck to you.

  10. Last night, I placed an order for two pairs of shoes with 6 inches forever...the 5.51 inch "V14" shoe and the 5.51 Open toes slingback. I will keep you updated as to delivery time...disclosed to be 4 to 6 weeks. So, I will let you know. Jenn

  11. Hey Jennifer (good name) My sweetie ordered tham (and he doesnt know that I know yet....saw it on the IE history on the computer shhh!! hehe) He ordered the pair from paulcleather. I think they are similar to the subshop by comparing the pictures. I really dont know when he will have me wear them..thats why I was curious about public wearing. Thanks. Jen

  12. It seems my sweetie has ordered some of those shoe straps which buckle under the shoe and can be padlocked, as a surprise. (The internet explorer history showed be the link...by accident lol) So, my questions are 1. Are they comfortable? 2. Do they really work...i.e. can you cheat and get them off if you really want to? 3. How obvious are they with pants or a long skirt when you are out and about? Thanks in advance. Jen

  13. GreyLion, Solicitors (or Lawyers here in the States) will always advise on the conservative side. Taking that argument to the extreme, any type of bondage item, i.e. handcuffs, etc or a length of chain and a padlock from a local hardware store) is inherently dangerous. As there is a legitimate and booming fetish BDSM market that utilizes these products in a safe and consensual way, I do not see how they could be viewed as "inherently dangerous". Anyone can misuse anything. Just my thoughts. Jen P.S. I will speak for my honey and I, we are eagerly awaiting your debut, especially the restrictive clothing that looks normal on the outside. To hell with the lawyers!!! :drinking:

  14. When I am with my family (largely working independent minded women), they often make comments about me always being in such delicate heels or how they make me look like I am on a parade for Mark's pleasure. especially when in a complementary short or thin materialed dress. However, the same ones who comment on my heels during casual gettogethers are the ones who wear heels to the office. So, I see it going both ways. Jen

  15. We also incorporate another "control" aspect into heel wearing. When we are together, (i.e. he is not at work), I always ask if it is ok to slip my heels off. This little arrangement has made for some interesting times when we have been at the lakehouse with everyone else spontaneously getting comfort and me making silly excuses why I am keeping my heeled sandals on.. lol. In fact he often plays games in that he will stay in a group so I cannot pull him aside and ask to take them off. Just a silly arrangement I suppose, but it reinforces my submissiveness to him. Jen

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