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Posts posted by hbn7l

  1. Don't know if anyone else has run into this problem but would like to find out. A month ago I purchased a pair of black leather thigh boots from Bob and Angies (sells on Ebay) They advertized these as 6" high heels and lo and behold when I received them they measured 5.5" high, a big deal if you are a high heel fanatic like I am. Anyway after emailing back and forth they claim that, that is acceptable practice to advertize that way and If I didn't like it I should contact the manufacterer, (PleaserUSA) as they have no responsibility regarding this matter. I have filed complaints with Ebay and Paypal requesting that they stop the fradulent ads but I need to get verification from a 3rd party in the industry, which I am doing. The boots are very nice although not as advertized, just wanted to let you all know.

  2. Last night, I placed an order for two pairs of shoes with 6 inches forever...the 5.51 inch "V14" shoe and the 5.51 Open toes slingback. I will keep you updated as to delivery time...disclosed to be 4 to 6 weeks.

    So, I will let you know.


    I will follow this closely as I want to purchase some myself. Although I am concerned that the pumps I desire (V18) won't have the heel strength to hold up under repeated use. But they look SOOOO GOOD!

  3. I am suprised that there are no replies regarding purchasing heels from 6" HHForever, is this the wrong place to pose this question?. I certainly am planning to buy some but want to know whether the inhanced arch they use actually increases wearability and is the heel to shoe attachment strong enough to withstand constant use. My 6" blue pumps from Ellie are worderful looking but after an hour of walking in them my feet are killing me. I will say that they are well built as the heel is extremely strong and does not deflect as some other brands do. Awaiting someones reply

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