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Posts posted by jdja1um

  1. I had a few questions for the ladies on the board about heels. 1. I saw a video on YouTube of a girl who had some straw wedges on. On the video, she would pet the straw part like a dog. One thing about heels that I love is the way the leather/patent leather/suede feels. I was wondering if any girls enjoy the texture of some of their heels and if they ever pet their shoes like in the video I described. 2. What kind of feelings do you get when you wear heels? 3. What are your opinions on guys wearing heels? 4. What was it like the first time you wore heels? Thanks for any answers you can give me. -Jeremy

  2. I'm new to the boards. I'm looking for a girl to chat with and ask questions about heels. I have always been attracted to high heels but have never really had anyone I was comfortable talking about it with. I live in central Florida, and it would be cool to meet up with someone from the area and chat, but it would be sweet just to talk to a girl online and get some of my questions answered.

  3. Hello everyone, I'm Jeremy, and I'm a straight male from central Florida. Ever since I could remember, I've been attracted to high heels. I'm most drawn to strappy sandals, pumps, and slingbacks. I love 2-4 inch heels, not really drawn to anything higher.

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