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Posts posted by heel'd

  1. Last night, my wife and I went to a trendy restaurant in town and I wore my Kenneth Cole ankle boots with the 3.5-inch spiky heel. It was great. Thankfully, I just got my new GAP jeans (size 10-LONG, and they're about a 34 length), so the look was complete. The heels felt pretty high, too, as I walked on the street and sidewalk. Heels are so cool.

    Congrats on your outing.

    I too found GAP "womens low rise" jeans fit me better than mens' jeans and look better too. I have two pair mix among my 10 or so pair of men's jeans. One pair regular (33"is) the other long.(35"is)

  2. I must add. What a great post!!! During a time when I have been thinking of giving away my high heels this gives me new inspiration. well. It is tuff to decipher when something as simple as gigles and whispers by mainly women are good or bad. The Bad: well, havent really had any comfortations. Every moment has it's good and bad and I think it is how you reflect on the moment and interpret what has happend. If you go out looking for the bad you will find it. If you go out looking for the good, you will find that too. The good: 1) my girlfriends support and interest in sharing high heel wearing moments with me. she complains a lot about the pain she encounters while wearing heels, but does it anyway. 2) the support of my odd artistic friends who embrace my interest. There are way too numberous stories to share. 3) while on a trip, the girl at Rampage at the King of PRussia Mall in philly. While all the other girls/workers were efficiently passing the "quick, look at the guy over there" while my girlfriend was in the changine room. This ever so happy and smiley young lady talked nicely to me and even checked out my shoes. A great moment. 4) the older mother who scoffed at my shoes to her 18-19-20yo daughter, even turned around 180 degrees to check me out from behind and her daughter never cared. 5) the boy at a nearby sears when the girl at the desk blerted at the top of her lungs, " look at that guys shoes', the boy at the desk mildly passed on the opportunity to add to her inflection. 6) the men with the girl who was trying to make a spectacle of me once again discounted her attempt to make a humiliating moment. 7) the lady who scoffed at my foot attire for quite a while (+/- 30 minutes while following me around a store) and then finally left her mind set go when I stood blatently in front of her (about 20' away), while she looked up at me. I stood there and smiled as if acknologing all her actions. She finally smiled at me too. There is good with the bad. All things on the world live in a balance of opposites. All things of the earth decay by bacteria. Darkness is the absense of light, black is the lack of reflection of everything that makes up white...and so on. So in the world of women in heels, there has to be men in sneakers. In the world of women in sneakers, there may be a world of "men in heels". :)

  3. I read these posts and say you have to go out and wear your shoes. Pick something manageable and comfortable, something you feel confident in. I have to agree with some other information posts on this board in that you should pick something with a 3" heel or less and be it black, tan, or dark blue is probably most passable. Then just use your smarts. Women are very good at judging areas and feeling the energies of a space and know when to leave by gut reactions. I tend to pick highly public areas in broad daylight for my shoe wearing. I dont go often into bars at night but will wear them to malls, the movies or restaurants with my GF. The things you do in life only make you stronger. It is a valuable lesson of the completeness I feel when I wear my shoes. Couple more things to remember (and by all means this isnt all inclusive): 1) dont look people in the eyes, it only invites comments, stares and so on. 2) keep walking with your head up (image of pride and that nothing is out of the ordinary for YOU) 3) keep to public areas and stay out of the sports bars where things could get a little hairy. Basically use your gut instincts. 4) Have fun with it and bring a supportive friend along. Yes, I get cackles and gaggles from people, but mostly it is from women. Men dont seem to give a hoot, reguardless of age. Women are typically the most expressive.

  4. :D Been surfing the net for the first time to find people like myself that go out in public wearing (what is commonly know as due to gov't pigeon holing) women's shoes. I have collected heels for a large majority of my life, a pair here, a pair there. Was always jealous of the ladies when I was in high school during the late 80's and that I wanted to have those shoe options as well. It took me most of my college years until I worked up the guts to finally go out in public. I had a few pair of "cute" shoes as I am all about the cut, color, and lines (design) of the shoes prior to me even trying on a pair let alone donning them on my feet. I live and play in the Allentown, Reading and Philly areas and maybe someone here has scene me. Most recently I have found a highly supportive girlfriend who actually (watch out here folks) likes to see guys in heels. Also belives there should be a law against body hair and is what actually attracted her to me in the first place. Since that time I started wearing 'womens shoes' a little more often in public as she seems to like the idea just about as much as I do (possibly more). So we go out often. I have exposed the public (at restaurants, malls, food stores, colleges, gas stations and etc) to my shoe wearing. IThas varied but all my shoes have at least a 1" kitten heel to a 3.5" stilletto with 'bows on the toes' in "RED" and even pink (goes nicely with my pink shirt). More often than not it is the women that pick up on and make the glares, quick looks, double takes, and wierd faces. THe men I have encountered looking just pass it off. Only once did I get anytype of comments from a guy and he was puerto rican and I can understand that due to their societal setup and that "crossing sexual borders" is taboo. So what I have to say is ... ladies...lighten up a bit on the glares and stares. :D:D I have found the problem is most folks dont know what to think and where to process a guy in women's shoes. Basically it is new information for the brain to understand and get accoustomed to. So you have to expect the reactions. Luckily my gf tried being a lesbian for a spell. She was use to being eyeballed and getting the glaring stares from people and noted to me that it made her a stronger person in the long run and that if you dont look people in the eye's when you are doing what you want to be doing that they wont make the faces at you or approach you. Funny thing human conditioning is. When we look at other people in the eyes it is permission for the other person to be part of you and to communicate when it is on good terms. In the world of gangs and such "eyeballing" is an open invitation to a challenge or fight. So avoiding any eye contact seems to work and most people leave it go. What I also found it that if you limit the clothing to just one piece of clothing being female on the male, society is much quicker to accept it. A skirt and heels seems more taboo that just a flouncy kilt or a cute pair of womens shoes. I hope you guys are out there doing what I am doing and spreading a little bit of yourself in the world and opening societies eyes. A pityful part in developing our society's norms is that 3 things have to happen for society in general to accept a way of life or expression. 1) it has to make it onto one of the daytime talk shows. 2) it has to make it into the local nightly news. 3) it has to make it into BIG time mainstream news on TV. Then all of a sudden mainstream america accepts (or at least numbs themselves) to a new look or way of life. One thing I have to add, is be tasteful and descrete in your dressing. Follow the women's fashion lead and the take pointers from the ladies you see at the local malls and such in their dress. Even at the the highpoint of women in heels it may be sexy and discrete at the same time. There is something to be said for that. Even a women in trashy loud shoes get's odd looks from everyone (but do what you want). This is a great website. How many members on on this board anyway? Maybe there should be a "guys in heels day" one day a month to get the general public use to the idea. I am all for it!!! Lori and Ron.
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