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Posts posted by Alexa

  1. Hi there,

    I‘ve not been in here lately I’m afraid, because I have nothing to report. No playing with water, no paddling or splashing in fountains. I haven’t even bought any new shoes for a few weeks. I’ve just glanced through the last few posts on this thread. And it’s good to hear you’re still finding opportunities to play with water, Sharon and Jane. I hope Heidi takes the plunge (as I were) soon! Since I’ve got nothing to report myself, here’s a picture to get you in the mood


    In fact, check out this guy’s photostream – loads of pictures of young people playing in and around a public fountain in Moscow. Positively mouthwatering!

    I’m still intending to climb in the shower with my partner with my clothes on one of these days, and I’ll describe it on here when I do.


  2. I thought that opportunities for outdoor water fun were over for the year, but this last weekend has proved me wrong. On Thursday night I set off for a long weekend in my hidey hole (or rather my friends’ hidey hole) in Wales, so I was able to spend all of Friday pottering around the garden in the glorious sunshine. The first thing I noticed was that my wellingtons were still a bit damp inside from my previous visit about three weeks previously. It was so warm outside that my thoughts soon turned to water play. Recent rains had filled their rainwater tank up to the brim, and whilst it was a little murky, a quick test with my fingers revealed it wasn’t too cold. I sat on the edge and cautiously lowered a foot in, and savoured the chill of water rushing into my wellington. I quickly swung the other foot over the side and jumped in. I was wearing shorts made out of cut off jeans that came to about mid-thigh, and I soaked them up to the waistband, spending a few minutes wading about in the rainwater. I got out and tipped my willies out by holding each of my legs up behind me in turn, and carried on with my gardening, squelching up and down in the sunshine. At first there were rivulets of water running down my legs from my sodden shorts, and the water soaked into my top too, but it was so warm that, combined with my physical work, I dried out fairly quickly. We had a grocery delivery around mid-afternoon and by the time the delivery man turned up you couldn’t tell I’d been wet at all – I was still a little damp round the waistband, but nothing that showed. I did however refill my wellies a couple of times over the course of the day. They’d got muddy inside through my wearing them for gardening – fragments of soil, grass clippings and the like – so filling them and tipping them out a few times helped clean them up nicely. By early evening when I came indoors my feet were lovely and soft too – almost as if I’d had a pedicure - and not wrinkly! So whilst it was only jeans and wellies rather than any more exotic fashions, I’ve had a last little outdoor fling in the water, thanks to our Indian summer weather. It’s surely going to be the last time this year, so I made the most of it.

    Glad to hear you’ve been making the most of the weather too Sharon. I really like it when I can wear the shoes or clothes ‘til they dry out, but you really need warm weather for that. I doubt if I’d have the patience to blow things with a hair dryer – it would take ages. I did try drying a skirt out with the hot air hand dryer in a washroom once, but it took quite a while! I find it best just to wear things if I can, or hang them out or put them in the dryer or on a radiator.


  3. Yes, if there was a bit less war, football and religion the world would be a better place. Back on the subject of shoes, being a more or less fully paid up member of the Goth subculture, a majority of the men I’ve been out with have favoured boots with chunky platforms. But it doesn’t look feminine in the conventional sense – usually more futuristic and cyber-themed. In the context of fetish clubs, of course, one sees men wearing the more feminine tapered stiletto heels, but I think it would be a bit strange for everyday wear. If a man I knew wanted to do so, I’d be supportive, but it wouldn’t be my top choice aesthetically.


  4. I haven’t got any on display at the moment, as the pair I was using got a bit worn-in looking and wasn’t so shiny and pristine after a while. Plain black courts/pumps in shiny patent material with an elongated tapered heel look best for this sort of thing I feel. Especially if they’ve got contrast coloured lining. So next time I get a pair like this, I’ll use them as an ornament for a while before they get worn looking. ’Til then, I shall just have to show off what’s on my feet.


  5. Sorry I haven’t popped in lately. You’re not missing anything – life has been so busy recently it seems like it is all work. So not much time for idle web surfing between meetings, and no opportunities for playing with water either. Plus it is getting a bit chilly to do that outdoors as we work our way towards the end of September. I’m pleased to hear about Jane’s bathtime fun. Before the days of stretch jeans, as a teenager I used to do that thing where you wear them in the bath in the hope that they will shrink to fit. It never seemed to work for me, as they didn’t look any more flattering afterwards. But it was fun to do. Nowadays of course, with a lot of elastane in the fabric you can achieve that painted-on look much more easily. On a practical note, it helps to have bucket or washing up bowl to hand so the wet clothes can be conveyed to the washing line or spin drier without trailing water through the house. Wet clothes are fun but I’ve never found wet carpets very sexy.

    The lack of opportunities for outdoor water play over the winter may mean that it’s a bit difficult to maintain the busy schedule of clothed swimming and bathing that some of you here are working to. However, there may be opportunities for a bit of carefully planned yet spontaneous-seeming water play. At my boyfriend’s flat, he’s got a walk in shower cubicle, so maybe one day I’ll step in with him whilst he’s having a shower and give him a big hug. That should give him something to think about.


  6. Hi there,

    I just thought I‘d relate an experience I had over the weekend. I haven’t done any serious soaking lately, but I was spending the weekend with friends in Wales and we were doing some work on their garden. I was wearing wellingtons and left them outside the back door on Saturday evening. It rained in the night so there was water in them on Sunday morning. Thinking about this thread on High Heel Place, I put my feet straight into them, feeling how cold they were in the chilly morning air. Later that morning I was hosing a lot of green mould off the back of the house with a pressure washer, and whilst I didn’t hose myself or anyone else, there was a lot of jocular horseplay, threatening people with the spray if they came too close. I also gave my wellies a little top up with the garden hose before whizzing round on their ride-on mower. I like going to see these friends because they have so many toys to play with. It was very windy, but we stayed outdoors in the afternoon and had a bonfire of all the offcuts from the trees and shrubs, with me squelching back and forth gathering stuff for the fire. There’s a water tank behind their garage to collect rainwater and I sat on the edge and rinsed my wellingtons out, because by this time they’d picked up quite a bit of mud, grass clippings and bits and pieces from the fire and made my feet dirty too. I washed my feet and popped my cold wet wellies on to go back to the house. I left them outside and slipped my wet and crinkly feet into my platform courts to walk around indoors for the evening. So thanks to that shower of rain in my wellies, I managed to have wet feet almost all day on Sunday.


  7. Hi there Sharon (and anyone else who’s looking in),

    We had lots of fun on Saturday, and it was good to know we were making the best of the end of the warm weather too. I was wet through up to about mid thigh, but we'd been splashing each other as well, so i was quite spattered all over. As I’ve explained somewhere on this board before, as a shoe lover, I like to feel my shoes against my skin wherever possible so I tend not to wear hosiery or socks if I can help it. I was wearing socks last winter because it was so cold, but that’s the exception rather than the rule. However, I did identify with your comments about wearing tights. I enjoy wearing leggings, especially black stretchy shiny fabrics, and it is certainly a bit like having a second skin, only smoother. Sometimes I wear a leotard as well, so I’m in shiny black Lycra all over. Those sorts of fabrics tend not to retain moisture, so if I get them wet it tends not to show and I feel dry again fairly shortly. Yes, I was wearing courts (as we in the UK would say) on Saturday. They’re leather with a synthetic lining and a man-made sole.

    Even celebrities are getting in on the act


    I hardly dare admit I read trash like that, but it whiles away moments at work whilst I’m waiting for other people. Looks like we’ve started a trend.


  8. I've been trying to stretch my calf muscles over the last few weeks so as to get used to wearing flats again. I've been walking about the house barefoot, and when going upstairs I've been taking the opportunity to exercise them by putting my toes on the tread and raising and lowering my heels so that at the lowest point they're lower than my toes. I think it's working. I spent Sunday afternoon in wellies doing a bit of gardening. Sounds very boring I know, compared to the glamorous lives some of you on here seem to lead. But after about six hours in wellies on Sunday, my legs weren't aching too badly on Monday. So maybe it's working. Alexa

  9. It’s cool and windy today and I’m wasting time in the office before my next meeting by writing things on here and admiring my feet in a new pair of platform boots. It’s good boot weather again thank goodness, and I’m making the most of it.


  10. Just thought I’d pop in and give you an update on the weekend’ activities. We went out for a jaunt on Saturday, and I’m very glad we did, because we managed to make good use of a fairly warm and bright day. The weather seems to have turned now and it’s much cooler and windier. We took a trip in my partner’s Land Rover over to the coast on the west side of Wales, so there were good opportunities for beach walking and general mischief in the late summer sunshine. I wore black skinny jeans and some platform pumps with broad medium heels. I’ve had them a few years so it didn’t matter if they got spoiled, and the heels a broad enough not to sink in to sand if it’s fairly hard packed. Once we were down on the part of the beach that gets washed by the tide they hardly sank at all. Needless to say, we wandered out to the water’s edge and walked for a while on the strip of sand lapped by the waves, until I could resist no longer and didn’t step back when a wave rolled in so that it filled my shoes. After that, I walked in the sea for a little while, with my partner keeping pace with me a little further up the beach so as to keep his feet dry, making remarks like ‘you’re mad’ and ‘is that wet enough for you?’. There were a few other people about, and a little further along we met two young women in leggings and ballet flats running in and out, trying to dodge the waves. I think they’d kept out of the water until I got there, and I called out ‘come in, it’s not too cold’. I joined them for a little while as they shrieked and giggled, with me daring them to go a little further every time the sea went out and they soon managed to get their shoes wet. One of them was a little bolder than the other and she came out as far as me, but didn’t want to get her denim mini skirt wet so stayed at about knee depth, squealing as the waves splashed up her thighs. After a few minutes of this they tired of the game and went back up the beach. It’s good when you can tempt strangers into the water. Well, they didn’t need much tempting, but playing in water seems to have a power to bring people together. My partner had stayed out of harm’s way, but I gave him a cuddle and wrapped my legs round him so he’d get the benefit of my cold wet jeans. On the way home I insisted that the heater was put on, and took my shoes off and travelled with my feet up on the dashboard. I put them on again for a while when we stopped for an evening meal and they felt really cool and gritty from the sand. My jeans dried out a good deal in the car and the restaurant, as they’re quite a lightweight fabric with a lot of elasticity in it, but my shoes are still damp, even this morning. I’m thinking of the two young women we met – they seemed to be enjoying themselves and I hope they have many more water adventures ahead of them.

    Good times


  11. Another quick visit before I pop round to my boyfriend’s house for the weekend. No, no adventures for me today. I was in London for a meeting and it was very warm indeed, at least compared to my usual haunts in the midlands, and I was wondering whether I would meet a fountain or pool on my travels. But by the time my meetings finished I just felt like getting on a train back home, so didn’t seek out any water features. I was in platform pumps rather than boots. Great to hear of your adventures, girls. I’m particularly pleased to hear about Jane leading her friend into the sea. Surprisingly, people are often Ok about being involved in water mischief, if you pick the right moment. Sharon, do you get the chance to play in the water with friends, or is it mostly on your own?

    Maybe I'll get the boyfriend to drive us over to the seaside this weekend if the weather's nice. And I'm sure we can guess what that could lead to.


  12. I don't find my shoes chafe too badly. Mind you, most of my heels are a little broader than stillettos, so they're a little more stable on uneven surfaces. When I was younger I often had a sticking plaster on my Achilles tendons, but now i fond I very rarely have that problem. Partly, it's because I have a car now and don't usually have to walk so far, and partly it's because I have a job, and can afford slightly more expensive shoes! Alexa

  13. Hi there. I’ve just popped in as a result of messages from Sharon, who I see has joined this discussion. I’m afraid I haven’t been very active on High Heel place lately – life is frantically busy and it’s hard to find a moment for recreational web surfing and adding stuff to discussion boards. I‘d like to offer a belated welcome to Sharon – you’ve certainly added some interesting contributions. You make my student years as a water nymph look positively amateurish. I’ve never got wet in Ugg boots, because I don’t have any, but my trusty New Rocks are well padded and take a while to dry out – certainly several days. But t’s surprising how well they recover and don’t seem to suffer too badly. The only shoes that don’t take kindly to paddling adventures in my experience are cheap court shoes (pumps to our American cousins) where I’ve had the sole separate from the upper and the insole curl up as the shoes dry out. But other things seem remarkably robust. Pouring water down inside ones boots sounds like a good idea – I shall have to bear that in mind for days when I’m doing something boring at work. I usually have other shoes in my office too, so it won’t matter if I overdo it. But what about pouring water down inside someone else’s boots? That sounds like even more fun. It’s a good thing you don’t work in the same place as I do Heidi, or I’d be after you with my little jug! Fancy having one’s own swimming pool, Sharon. The sheer luxury! It’s not surprising that you keep getting tempted to go in it. I was out in the rain last weekend in a clingy vest top and it felt quite nice – it makes me wonder what some of my other clothes would feel like if I wore them wet.

    Bye for now,


  14. I just put them in the bin usually. However, I do tend to hang on to shoes for quite a while, often long after they’ve exceeded their useful life. I tend to think that maybe one day I shall get them mended, or that some day the technology will exist to cure their terminal illnesses. A couple of years ago I put some on a bonfire, so they had a brief moment of glory before going off to shoe Valhalla.


  15. Yes, you’re quite right Amanda. It’s a good idea to keep stretching my feet back into a flat position before I get too far past the point of no return! It’s just so tempting to stick my heels on, though. The sudden satisfying pop as one’s heel drops into the heel cup, the caress of a boot shaft on one’s leg as the zipper rises, the grip of straps as one buckles them over the instep. But I’m rambling. You don’t get anythign like the same sort of pleasure with flats!


  16. Of all the partners I’ve had, I can say that all but one have enjoyed my high heels. One man I had a short relationship with just after university used to say things like ‘What are you wearing those for?’ and ‘You’ll ruin your feet’. But that relationship didn’t last long – he seemed to be keen on owning me in other ways too. I did have one other who liked the idea of my having high heels locked on my feet, which I went along with as it seemed fairly innocent preference at the time, but once again he was very controlling otherwise and wanted me to give up work among other things. In retrospect, I’m surprised I let him get away with so much. Otherwise, I’ve had good experiences with partners, who are often keen to help me pick styles and even buy them for me as gifts in some cases. It’s easy to work out what want for my birthdays and Christmases!


  17. At the end of last week I had to go up to north Wales for a meeting concerned with one of the projects I’m working on. I was driving back to the midlands along the North Wales coast in the early evening looking at the sands – the tide was out at the time –and thinking it all looked so pretty. After a little while I couldn’t resist it any longer and knowing there are a limited number of warm days with light evenings left this year I stopped the car on the seafront at a small resort and went for a wander across the deserted sands. I love walking along the edge of the sea and waiting for a wave to come and break against my legs. Although there was very little surf, I didn’t have to wait long. It was cold, but that delightful feeling of first getting wet was delightful. I was wearing black flared jeans and my platform trainers and I waded along in the surf for a while and watched the sun going down. The beach was fairly empty apart from a couple of dog walkers and a family with children so I completed my beach walk without too much of an audience and got back in the car. It took me a while to get home and I enjoyed feeling the residual water in my shoes and the wet fabric against my legs as a little reminder of my mischief. When I got home and took my shoes off, my toes and the soles of my feet were certainly crinkly! But very soft too. I put the shoes on again for a walk to the shops yesterday, and they were still cool and damp – quite refreshing on a warm day. There was also that enjoyably gritty feel under my feet from all the minute sand particles, which I love because it reminds me of my trip to the beach.

    Good to hear of your adventures Jane. Maybe part of the fun is knowing that you might get caught or that someone will notice!


  18. I see this thread hasn't been active since January, but looked pretty interesting whilst it was busy. I wonder, has there been any progress on Amy's foot shaping and heel training project? It certanly seemed to be going fairly rapidly. I'm intrigued, because my feet tend towards a high heel foot shape nowadays - a bit like my Barbie dolls when I was a child, but bigger - but it has taken twenty years or so for them to get that way. So, any news? Alexa

  19. Dear All,

    Back again after a few days absence. Just a quick visit as I have to rush off again in a few minutes. Carly and Lesia, it’s really great to see new members. Sorry, that sounds rude, but you know what I mean. Thanks for your message of concern Heidi, but there haven’t been any riots near me. There haven’t been very many opportunities for getting wet with my shoes on lately. A few days ago I just popped into town on foot on the way home from work and got caught in a shower. I walked slowly and enjoyed the sensation of the rain on my face, and the soft caress of raindrops on my shins and the tops of my feet. A little ran down into my shoes, but it wasn’t a great deal. I enjoyed watching other people walking in the rain too, and imagining their clothes and shoes getting wet.

    Thinking about what it means to play in water and get oneself wet and why I enjoy it, I haven’t really come up with any significant answers, but there are certainly some highly pleasurable aspects. Just before I plunge my feet into a pool there’s a delicious feeling of anticipation. Last time I swung my legs over the parapet of a public fountain I had almost a dreamlike sensation, as if I couldn’t really believe that life could be this good. I know the water’s going to be cold, but in a sense I’m yearning for that initial shock of contact, the feel of it rushing into my shoes or boots, the sense of being helplessly past the point of no return – abandon, even. There’s no going back now, I’ll be well and truly wet for hours.

    Judging by the numbers of young people you see playing in public pools and fountains on hot days, I’m sure we can’t be the only ones! And over the years, I’m sure the majority of people I’ve seen doing this have been girls. So there’s something about being female too.

    If you feel self-conscious about getting wet in public, here’s a little morsel that might offer some comfort:


    Admittedly, it’s not about being wet, but it’s about wearing an embarrassing t shirt. People felt self-conscious, but the vast majority of the other people in the room didn’t even notice. Now you could say the same about having wet shoes or wet clothes. Chances are, unless you’re actually leaving a trail of water behind you, people won’t pay that much attention.

    All this has made me want to do it again. I must have a few more good water mischief sessions before the summer’s over.


  20. Yes, I have to second what’s been said about Schuh. I haven’t got the exact style we’re talking about here, but around a year ago I got some of their ‘Kiss’ platforms, which are a little like Nina’s but with a platform under the sole. They have turned out to be excellent for a medium priced shoe. Surprisingly wearable for the heel height – top marks for the designers there – and reasonably robust too, having come through a year of regular wear more or less unscathed. I shall certainly be looking at Schuh products again.


  21. No new water mischief I‘m afraid. Mind you, it’s been very warm and sticky lately in my part of the UK, so it’s tempting. Sadly, where I am at the moment the fountains are full of scum and litter so are not very appetising. I shall see what opportunities the weekend brings.


  22. Hi there Heidi. Sorry to hear about your friend - I'm sure you were a great comfort to her! Yes, my shoes are pretty much dry now, after last weekend's adventures. Very often, when I've been playing in water, it seems to have caught the eye of men of all ages. It must be a fairly common interest, as there are a lot of fetish sites devoted to girls in wet clothes. My boyfriend seems to like the idea of me getting wet but he's a bit reluctant to come in with me. I got him well soaked last weekend though. Great to hear you've been practicing your music. I think I'd be a bit wobbly in those shoes that Jane provided a link to. You seemt to have the impression that I strut around in six inch stilettos all day. Most of my shoes have broader heels than that, and many of them are supplemented with a platform. Plus a lot of them have Mary Jane straps, or are boots. So I'm not as an accomplished a heel wearer as you make out! in fact, compared to some people (including many contributirs here), I still consider myself to be quite a novice. Alexa

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