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Posts posted by kaybar

  1. This is my news boots!! I think i'll can't get the courage wearing them out...but I love the look!

    what do you think about?

    Honestly, they look a bit unisex. I wouldn't give them a second look on a guy...well, a third maybe. But i don't think you'll have any problems wearing something like that out in public...still a far cry from wearing stiletto pumps or similar junk :)

    Reading this forum too much...gonna get myself a pair of cowboy boots. Some tall ones...at 5'6, i'd really like some height lol. Less i fall on my ass cuz i don't know how to wear heels..but should be ok with cowboy boots right? :P since the heels should be really wide... i hope

  2. i don't think many peeps would live to work. Just about everyone i know hates their jobs :) Like someone else mentioned, if i came into money, i'm out....no more work. Not sure about charity either...i'd travel, pay off my debts. Maybe get hooked on world of warcraft again...(my wife would kill me). I'd really like the time to do some self improvement...learn some languages or something...chinese, korean, japanese..like to at least be fluent in one of those. Eh, but as it is, i loathe my job.

  3. Dude, my opinion is don't do it :) It's asking for ridicule. Do it somewhere you don't have anything to lose. In college, they can be f'ing vicious and your gonna be there for a long time. My one and only time wearing heels in public was in my freshman year of college. And it wasn't premeditated or planned. It was on a bloody bet if you know what the college crowd can be like. 100 bux to get naked and a borrowed pair of heels to run from Lecture Hall 5 to Lecture Hall 3..i think it was. Heels didn't fit and almost broke my neck down the stairs to the next building while running as fast as i could. Ridicule, you better believe it :P (and more for the heels of all bloody things, no one gave a damn that i was naked) In my case though, i think everyone knew it was one of those crazy college stunts. And yeah, it was worth the 100 bux :sad: Woulda taken me over 20 hrs after taxes to have made that much at the computer lab. And Dr Shoe is right, i'll say it outright, so don't be offended. if your crossdressing, the college crowd prob wouldn't give you a 3rd look. They'd just think you were gay and it'd be ok cuz nowadays, it's ok to be gay. If your wearing mostly men's clothing with those heels, people will get weirded out. It's better to be thought gay than to be weird nowadays... bah, wife tells me i'm old and things have changed since my college days...whatever, my experience was from 15 years ago so take from that what u will.

  4. Ah, to be young again...i remember trying out my aunts heels when i was a teen. Never actually owned my own pair of heels before. Lost interest in wearing them 14 years ago when i added 45 pounds of muscle. made me look plain repulsive in heels LOL. I still got the heel fetish but i prefer them on slender looking feminine legs. Used to have slender legs. I'd prob have my own collection had i not pumped up.... oh well.....

  5. Could happen. the wife gained 35 pounds and a foot size during pregnancy. Lost half a foot size after birth but shes like 20 pounds heavier than she was before preg. So...with the 20 pound weight gain shes still half a foot size bigger..i guess. Maybe preg invalidates it, who knows. I do know one thing. For me, years of pumping weights have turned my calves big and bulky. My bloody feet are somehow bigger as well, muscle i guess. I wear wider shoes than when i was younger.

  6. M-A's advice is on the dot. Whatever you do, don't nag. That's the most effective way of making sure she never wears them again. If she seriously hates them, you should just hint that you'd love it if she wore them for you occasionally. Chances are she will wear them for you when there's a special occasion or when she's in the mood. Just a reminder though, it's hard for us to get in the mood if we are wearing something that we consider ugly or repulsive. -Sue

  7. Okay no need to report this post as it was made by the female half of a couple, the members have their own accounts now. (sendra45)

    I often wish that men had the courage to compliment me on choice of shoes.

    I find it to be a rare occurrence which is odd considering the amount of men that appear to notice them.

    Is it just me?.

    Do you get many compliments or even comments from men regarding your shoes?.

    I think a lot of men are afraid that you would find them weird, perverted, or just plain intrusive. Have you noticed how they have this embarrassed look sometimes, when you catch them staring? My husband was like this when we were first dating. I always thought he just liked my legs, and he definitely loves beautiful legs, but i didn't find out he had a heel fetish until after we were married.

    On the other hand, men don't seem to care much about giving compliments in general. The compliments (on heels and everything else) are much more common when it's accompanied by some pickup line....

    And yes, I've had 'slut' aimed at me once or twice while those 'ladies' were staring at my heels. It's always been when i'm wearing those 5 inch pleaser pumps. I think i've only worn them half a dozen times at most. Half an hour and i have to change them out for the flats i keep in my purse.


  8. Hi, i'm Sue Not sure what to say, I was browsing for information to deal with some heel problems and somehow ended up here. I ended up spending more time here than expected so I asked him to open an account for me since he's the computer guy. To be honest, i'm not really that much in to heels since i find them uncomfortable. I usually wear 2 or 3 inch heels when i do wear heels but I try to accommodate my husband who has this little fetish. I'm trying to get used to 4 inch heels right now. Not sure just how active i'll be here but some of the posts have been interesting reading :) Also, my hubby said he would use this account for lurking. If there are any rules against a couple using one account, i'll have him open another account. thanks

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