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Posts posted by UKHeels1

  1. I'm a UK9/43 and I'd say that the Aldo 9's do come up small for sure. If I wanted a perfect fit I'd go for a UK10 if they did them. From the few I tried only 2 pairs fit well enough to buy which sounds random but true, probobly because of the toe type, round toe fits better. If you can squeeze into an 8 in most other places you might be alright.

  2. Hi guys, I was the one who originally started this thread and I've got some updates and advice for anyone who is in the position I used to be in.. Yep, I did it.. tried on in store for the first time. Thanks to all who chipped in pointers they did help and I can agree with the people who said its not as difficult as you might think...

    What I did was made a call to Aldo on Oxford street and just asked if they had a pair of heels I liked in my size, the woman said yes.. So I then said "ok thanks, just one Q before I go.. do you ever get males coming in and trying/buying heels for themselves".. she said yes and mentioned two regulars so I was wondering if it was anybody on here?? She went on to talk about how friendly the staff are and if I was thinking about coming in and trying some I should. She recommended 9am if I wanted to be discreet and she even asked if there was any pairs id like to try in advance so they could have them ready.. This put my nerves and mind at ease so much because I knew there would be no bad reactions from the staff. True to their word they had 3 pairs ready for me and I went on to try 2 more after. There was around 10 or so people who came into the store and nobody said a thing even when I was walking to the mirror to check myself out.

    It was almost like me and the assistants had a pre-arranged meeting so it felt right, no nerves or awquardness. So my advice to anybody unsure or wary of trying on in store is call the store and just put it out there that you are a guy, its over the phone so they will never know who it is if they get funny about it and if they dont you are good to go.

    I'd go back to this Aldo and recommend others to go there to. It was 146-148 Oxford St not 309. Thanks again to all other posts with advice! List of links below of the heels I tried if anybody is interested :)

    1. http://www.aldoshoes.com/uk/women/boots/knee-high-boots/80623725-cirocco/91

    2. http://www.aldoshoes.com/uk/women/boots/knee-high-boots/80616584-zientara/97

    3. http://www.aldoshoes.com/uk/women/shoes/platform-heels/81831040-gones/85

    4. http://www.aldoshoes.com/uk/women/shoes/high-heels/76346008-fawson/85

    5. http://www.aldoshoes.com/uk/women/shoes/high-heels/80631880-botkins/91

  3. Forgive the lateness of my reply.. so I went to Aldo, walked in confidently and had a good look around. Found the below shoes


    and picked them up off the shelf but before i even said a word to a sales assistant, one guy came straight up to me and joked "we dont do those in your size mate haha" which totally threw me. i went on to ask for them in a size 9 which they had but after the salesman banter i backed out of trying them on.. i bought them and walked back to my car, parked in a multi-story then put them on there just under my jeans (slightly tight). after backing out earlier i walked in them to pay for the parking at the machine to try and make up for it. i passed one man around 50 yrs old who didnt even take a glance.. pretty much my first public heeling which felt great.

    i think i saw in an earlier thread the best place to try in store is Oxford Street, is that right? how is the london oxford street public with guys in heels? anybody heeled there?

    Thanks !!

  4. Hi all, i know this has been touched on in many posts and sorry if its being repeated but i wanted to ask for advice on how best to approach trying on heels in store. im thinking of shopping at Aldo in Bristol, so how is it best to act/what is best to say/dealing with the non-open minded folk/best time to go/which types of salesmen/women to avoid etc. being my first time im a bit nervous, any advice appreciated. cheers :)

  5. Welcome to hhplace UKHeels1:wavey:Why not take a minute to introduce yourself and tell us something about your interest in high heels? Do you wear them or just admire women that do?:smile:

    Well, both really but only wear around the house when alone. I am really into the more 'fashionable' heels, ones I love at the minute from Schuh..


    I have gone out and bought a fair few pairs and rly enjoy shopping for them but never tried on instore, maybe because I'm a young guy i dont feel as confident..

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