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Posts posted by redheels

  1. Have you ever had a pair of shoes that look really nice, you never want to take them off. My re heels are thaose kind of shoes. I have worn them outside only once, it was mid-night so no one could see me. I wish I was game to do this in broad daylight. I would like to hear from others who are like minded, maybe we can get a support group together and venture out yonder in our heels.

  2. High there people, I am new here, so just bear with me ok. I have been reading about your meetings that you have in England when you wear your heels, Is there any place in Australia that has similar meetings? I have been a high heel lover since I was 10 years old, when I used to wear my Mums heels when she was not home. I now have my own heels and want to wear them as much as possible, I have a pair of red 4 inch pumps and a pair of 4 inch sandels also red.

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