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Posts posted by hphewlett

  1. I shave my legs, armes, chest, and down there as well. Once people see it for a year and know that you do it they never seem to notice. I've had women want to know how I do it without raver burn or bumps. It works for me and I'm 100% straight.

  2. Since I plan on telling my parents first I really don't care who the kids tell. I really want to start wearing them more when I go out places. I more concerned how they will react or accept it, really don't want to embarass them to their freinds. Kids can really be mean to each other, The divorce to their mother was really ugly to start with. Took years to reconnect with the kids.

  3. I find that when I wear 4 inch plus heel my back does not hurt near as much, when I wear tennis shoes or even my cowboy boots. Glad I found this web site !!! My new Years thing is to be more open to public wearing of heels. I like spike heels more than the block style.

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