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Posts posted by Myhhaffair

  1. Sorry about the sexual content, but heels are all about being sexy to me. They make me feel sexy Thanks for the advice heelfan, but my situation dictates discrestion. Family members and friends don't understand these things. Certain areas of American society don't take kindly to men wearing heels, so better safe than sorry. I enjoy my late night heeling adventures.

  2. First I have to say, this is a great forum. My story started when I was 13. I found a pair of my sister 3 inch wood strappy heels in the storage room. Couldn't resist putting them on, and had the most amazing erection when I did. It took quite a few years to finally go to a store and purchase a pair. They were black stillettos and I love them. I waited till the store was empty before buying them. I found that after buying them, I had an urge to walk around in them outside. Thus began my late night walks. I would sneak out of my apartment wearing my heels and a pair of really baggy jeans. I would walk from my apartment to my car in the parking lot trying not to get caught. It was so thrilling. I still haven't taken an open walk, but my night time apartment walks are so thrilling. I'm aroused just remembering the story. Something about almost getting caught is soooo arousing. I guess you can say heels are about sexual arousal for me.

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