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Patent Heels

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Posts posted by Patent Heels

  1. Hi there, I have done it......I have found and bought a pair of stylish black patent pumps with 4 inch heels for myself. I went with a size 10 in the end, the 9s were too small. I have worn them for myself around the home a couple of times, and then hidden them from the wife. I appreciate the advice about telling her, i guess its finding the time and place before she finds the heels. The shoes do look nice on, and I am now coping to walk somewhat more elegently in them. Any help/tips to master the heels. Thanks

  2. First of all thanks very much for everyone's advice and input to my various questions. I really do appreciate that. Heelfan in particular, I did'nt realise that my question regarding broaching the subject of my buying and wearing of heels at home had been covered so fully earlier in the forum. I have had a quick look, and there is certainly alot of reading and plenty of good advice there for me to take on board. I am looking to buy some 4 inch black patent pumps (not sure the heel height was mentioned in my original post). I have checked the various websites offered as potential places to buy my shoes, unfortunately most of the suggestions don't supply such heels. Again can anyone help locate sother 'friendly' shoe stores in the Yorkshire or even nearby areas where I can buy my shoes (size 9) without feeling too embarrassed. Thanks Pete

  3. Hi there, I would welcome your collective experience and guidance on a couple of matters. First of all by way of background, I am a 41 year old married guy who has loved high heels for over 20 years, and I now feel ready to buy my own pair of black patent pumps. In the 80s my wife used to wear high heeled shoes all the time, and I guess that was enough for me then. She is slowly rediscovering heels again with the latest fashions, though over the years I have desired to wear my own shoes. My wife knows about my love for high heels, though she is not aware of my desire to buy heels for wear around the home. Therefore I cannot buy over the internet and have them delivered to my home, so I am seeking your help for locating 'friendly' shoe stores in the Yorkshire area where I can buy my shoes (size 9) without feeling too embarrassed. I am not certain that high street stores carry size 9s? Are there any other options available? The second request for help is a little more complicated, and I seek your wise counsel. Basically, I would like to wear my heels (once bought) for my wife, i,e. as part of our love making. I am not sure how she would react, any help on how to go about this would be much appreciated. Apologies for the length of posting, but thanks in advance for your guidance. Pete

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