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Posts posted by flatlander_48

  1. So if your disabled youre not allowed to look sexy or have the aids to wear whatever you like?

    I often see a girl on fetishparties who's in a wheelchair but loves to go out in a latex catcuit. Why not???

    Definitely! She should get an A just for the effort of getting into the thing!

  2. Does anyone here like clogs??? Myself, I'm a big fan of Dansko!!!:thumbsup:

    Agreed!! I bought my 4th pair of Danskos a few months ago. Due to an arthritic ankle I can't wear high heels, so Danskos are as close as I can get (with a touch of unisex thrown in!!).

  3. Greetings! JeffB here! Again!

    I'm sure a lot of people here have wondered what happened to me, if I had fallen off the edge of the earth or what. Well, the reason why I left was somewhat complicated, and on top of that, I handled my exit from here badly, just dropping off and not letting everyone here know, and I apologize for having been so damned inconsiderate. And now for why I left.



    As I mentioned before, I apologize for having disappeared like I did. I should've let everyone know of what I was doing, but didn't, and I'm very sorry about that. So I'm back, but as a semi-regular contributor as I'm seeking to maintain a healthy balance between the passion and everything else in my life. In closing, it's good to be back.

    Glad to hear that your hiatus was not as dire as some people thought. Regarding the events of the past year for you, I suppose that the saying continues to be true: "All things in moderation.". Best wishes for the New Year and beyond...

  4. Due to an arthritic ankle with about 20% flexibility, I don't wear high heels. I do, however, wear Dansko clogs most of the time when I'm in my office. But, I'm not doing that now as I am on long term assignment out of the country. I'm currently working 6 days a week in a new plant for my employer. No heels and not much fun but you gotta do what you gotta do...

  5. This Halloween was a first for me. My girlfriend and I went to a movie and to the local gay club as crossdressers. What set this off was a showing of the movie Venus Boyz, a documentary about Drag Kings. The theater lowered the price from $7us to $2 if one were suitably attired. Always on the lookout for a bargain (!), we decided to go in costume. I borrowed a dress and black over-the-knee hose from my girlfriend and I found a wig and black patent leather flats. I would have loved to wear heels, but an arthritic ankle makes that extremely difficult. Under the dress was a thong and a bra stuffed with home made foam boobies (tastefully sized, of course!). She was all in black with a turtleneck, tights and a very short skirt. However, raising the skirt slightly revealed a very adequately sized lavender protuberance! We were a HIT!! Afterwards at the club, we danced for the better part of 2 hours. In spite of my girlfriend telling me that I looked like the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live, I did receive compliments from several of the female patrons. It was all great fun and I have to admit that I really liked how the rayon material of the dress felt on my skin. Going to the restroom was an interesting experience. I never had to hike up a dress to take a whiz before. Bizarre... All in all, I guess it is true: It Takes Balls To Wear A Dress!

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