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Posts posted by BC

  1. Honestly, who cares what they think on their board? It doesn't change my love of heels. One of the problems we have today is we are constantly trying to get justification, or permission from people to act in a way we feel is o.k. Everyone on this board knows it was men who originally wore wigs, heels, hose, make-up (French Renaissance anyone), and men who first wore platform heels (60's and 70's), in fact i know several girls who now own plats that they pinched off their dad's. Imagine the horror of those on that Vouge (vague more likely) board if they saw little johnny pinching mum's old stilletto's to wear out cause their "soo cool, and soo in man". Girls are given an exceptional amount of fashion freedom, and are ever pushing the boundaries of their sexual freedom as well. Just look at the amount of girls in kakhi's and camo's with man style cuts worn with army style boots, who think nothing of having crushes on the likes of Angelina Jolie or Pink and would love to park their man clothes under said celebs bed for a night. I can only hope that the closed minds of this world are rudely awaken one morning when little Johnny not only rocks in looking like like his sister, but announcing he has a mighty crush on the likes of Colin Farrell or Johnny Depp, before turning on his 4 inch spike heels and marching off down the street to hang with his "homey sisters" who just might get together for a threesome only Jerry Springer will understand! BTW i am a happily straight hetero sexual who thinks that we should have our own parade to promote our sexuality and freedom just like every other bloody feminine or gay group seems to hold somewhere in the worl on a weekly basis. Maybe a million man march in heels will wake up the world. Give me that damn red pill and kick Alice out of wonderland, we ain't in Kansas no more. BC>>

  2. I know i've said this before but just what is it about Australia?? We must produce more bloody cross dressers and trannies than any other country in the world, yet any man foolish enough to wear something different be it something as innocent as a pair of really flared jeans (bought in a mens clothing store, 'why you wearing girls jeans', reply 'why were you allowed to live at birth') draws attention? I have found that one on one women are cool with me in heels, buying heels talking heels etc, yet let there be a group of men (yobbo's) within hearing distance and there all 'are you gay or something?' Every second girl i know is a bloody lesbian or had a girl on girl experience, which everyone seems to think is acceptable because so many famous women have gone lezzo on TV. Where are the bloody famous men in heels to take some pressure off us a bit, Tom Cruise or Heath Ledger in heels would have men scrambling for heels o'night. But don't think i don't wear my heels anyway, i'm a heel a holic and proud.

  3. Hey, I am an avid heeler who lives in Oz. Over the years i have been through many styles and sizes and on occasion have been out in public either early morning or late at night. I am interested in hearing from other guys from Oz, maybe a meet?? Reply with ideas. I have found there seems to be a lot of repressed males in oz with a friend of my GF married to a full blown trannie, who would die if i knew even though i have seen and tried his shoe collection when he has been at work.

  4. Why is it i can go into a shoe shop and end up in a twenty minute discussion over the style and comfort of a certain high heeled boot or shoe, and then either try it on or purchase with out so much as a sideways glance(one shop assistant insisted i try on a pair of stilletto RMK ankle boots, when i did she couldn't hold herself back, watching me prance around she admitted it blew her away, she loved the look and had never before even considered a man in heels), yet as soon as i don a pair of heels in public i seem to attract the glares from every passer by? Why is it i can wear 4" heels around a group of ladies and all is well, yet step outside and have those ladies/girls in the company of men, be they footy players or politicians and i am the local freak? Yet, if i wrap myself in a dress, lather myself in make-up, then don a great pair of heels and stumble from pub to pub pissed as a fart i'm the life of the party? Australian footy players are renowned for cross-dressing as a form of humour, and to be honest there seem to be cross dressers everywhere now days. So why, if blokes in dresses, pretending to be girls is acceptable, isn't a bloke in male attire with a classy pair of heeled boots? I mean in the late 80's you could still buy mens boots with a chunky 3" heel in cowboy style, yet a decade on colorado work boots and jeans with skinny ankles seem to be the accepted norm for aussie guys. i guess my point is that as much as street heeling is probably the one thing i want to do more than anything, apart from night excursions, and putting out the bin, the near future looks bleak, at least in the one horse town i live in. You would think 30,000 citizens and a university could cope but as yet the only contact i have is a dude that likes wearing nappies and lingerie. and he tells me his wife hates it. At least my girlfriend is cool, and why shouldnt she be, her sister is a lesbian, her best friend is a reformed lesbian who is now married to a man who is a transvestite, (i'm not supposed to know, of course), and she steals my boots even though they are four sizes too big (lots of sock wearing involved). Sorry to rant BC

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