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Posts posted by Scuffy

  1. Why don't the employer just let the employee know that there is a dress code and that high heels is part of the dress code. And if the person does not feel they can wear high heel, that they shouldn't take the job. Simple as that. You can always quit. You can always find another job. So I don't see the problem here. No one forces you to have to work as a waitress. Go work at a restaurant if you want to wear something else. Although the pay is good, you have to consider the risk involved. And if you don't like it, go work elsewhere. Employer should listen to their employee. But at the same time, it is the owner's business. Just like would you want someone else telling you how to cook your food?

  2. (Not related to shoes directly. Though the info will help me maintain my shoe sites, so in a sense it is related. :lol: ) Does anyone have any tips on maintaining the navigation bar on a web sites without using frame? It would be nice if I can just update just 1 file, and all the pages will have the latest navigation bar. Any help would be great. Thanks.

  3. I'm glad people are citing their sources. And I'm glad people are showing how they arrive at their conclusion bases on their sources.

    If your sources does have a web site, also post the url to the article.

    Dr. Shoe, good job citing your sources. This argument is well done. It shows how the Dr arrived at the conclusion bases the sources.

    I think you'll find that most of the posts in this thread and any other on this board are based largely on opinion rather than hard facts.


    The Taliban teaches "simple life" and as such eschews most machinations of 21st century life, therefore a Taliban government will not allow oil drilling as this goes against their faith. It is a geological fact that there is oil under Afghanistan so it is the cynic in me that believes that the war was not really motivated by the events of 11-9-01 but used it as an excuse.

    Osama Bin Laden is a Saudi (Daily Mail 13-9-02), Many upper class Saudis openly support Al Qaeda (The Economist circa January 2002), Kuwait led demands to reduce oil production thus forcing the prices up (Daily Mail and others circa Jan 1991).

    It is a well known fact that there is oil in other parts of the world. In many cases it is difficult to extract owing to geographical, political or technological reasons. The middle east has extensive oil handling infrastructures such as pipelines and purpose built tanker ports.

    Contributions to Noraid is tax deductable! (Headline in Economist shortly after sept 11 when GWB was proposing a war on terrorism. The sentiment was echoed by a number of UK tabloids).

    Well that's where I base all my opinions. I like to think that I am intelligent enough to make up my own mind an to draw my own conclusions.

  4. Speculation??? If you believe almost every thing that the media says then you are not thinking out of the box. They are the worst in speculating :lol:

    First of all, read some history books. But not the ones that are used in High School. Get the uncensored stuff.

    I don't believe everything I read. That is exactly why I said to cite your sources. If you got your information from a history book, then state the book. If it comes from the news or a peace of journalism, then cite it.

    When you cite your sources, your opinions sounds more valid. It doesn't sound like mer speculation.

    Second Here are some facts.

    If you look at the history of the U.S. many times we chose to stay out of conflicts. American preferred to be Isolationists and not get into other countries conflicts, but only to be drawn in to it. WW I and WW II to name a few in the 20th century. But it also goes far back as the war of 1812 in the 19th century where were the U.S. was atacked by the British. (correct me if I am wrong, I am a little rusty)

    So that means that history books are your sources? Cool. Which history books?

    History is just not to be learned and remembered, it is also meant to be applied to be used to prevent repeats in the future. For instance if the U.S. let Saddam, Molosavic, and Bin laden alone, in retrospect we could have Mussolini, Hitler, and Heraheto(I think it's the right guy) repeats.

    So what did the U.S. learned? If you have you nose buried up your ass, you are going to get spanked hard. But once in awhile you still get spanked no mater what you do. Like what happened on 9/11, but not as bad. This is why the President of the U.S. has more power in exercising foreign policies than at home. There are interests to be protected out side the U.S. and it's allies, weather it is good or bad.. I am sorry, but as a American, burying my nose up my ass is not an option in to days world.

    This part is an opinion. Nothing wrong with that.

    Now as for oil? It's every where...period, that's a fact. But before it turned up every where, the Middle East was the only new source of oil decades ago. So now it's every where, it's just a small issue with the Middle East.

    Ok, since you state that this is a fact, then cite your sources. How do you know there is oil everywhere? Yes I know oil can be found in many places, but that's not the point. The point is to cite your sources. Even stating something as simple as I got this information in Geology 200 class at the University Of ... is better than nothing.

  5. I’m working on a web site right now, when I have time. You are welcome to post it on my web site. Its not up yet. Have a look at my site once its up and let me know what you think. PS, I’m not talking about my personal homepage.

  6. Ok, I’m not sure where to post this, so I guess I’ll put it here. PS, FireFox, you need a fashion section. I don’t mean a vintage fashion section or a shopping section, I mean a current fashion and trend section. Anyway, on with the story. I just recently check out Victoria's Secret web site, and to my surprise, they no longer sell sexy pumps (court). And most of their sandals are trendy instead of sexy. Furthermore, they now have a section dedicated to sneakers (trainers). :eek: I don’t know about you, but when I think of Victoria's Secret I usually think of sexy lingerie and elegant romantic settings. This includes sexy elegant shoes. Can you imagine a beautiful girl wearing lingerie and sneakers, trying to be seductive? Its not exactly what I picture as sexy! :smile: I hope Victoria’s Secret is not changing their image and, I don’t know, cater to those who have no taste in sensuality? What’s going on here? :???: I hope this is not going to be a trend. :grin: Anyway, what do you think? <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Scuffy on 2002-06-20 14:11 ]</font>

  7. I don’t mind wearing ties at all. With the right outfit, say my business suit, long sleeve dress shirt, and nice dress shoes, I think it makes me look sexy!!! :eek: However, I don’t wear ties very often. I don’t think men should be force to wear ties. It would be like forcing women to wear high heels. :smile: People should dress however they want as long as it is suitable for the situation. “I’m too sexy for my shirt” “I’m too sexy for my tie!” Remember that song? Hehe :smile:

  8. Hi, suppose you have a pair of high heels where the outer upper is made of velveteen. Velveteen is a form of velvet. You know, the really soft synthetic sued material. Anyway, after a while, velveteen starts to go bald, or in another word, starts to flake off. So how do you fix this? How do you stop it from getting worse or prevent the velveteen from going bald? Is there a glue or spray that will add life to the velveteen? Any advice would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.

  9. I complemented many women on their shoes and clothes. And just about always, my experience has always been positive. They always thank me. Some girls find it surprising that someone actually notice. It brighten their days. We need to compliment each other more. I say, compliments are always good. Don’t be afraid to make someone smile. :smile:

  10. What do I drink? Healthy fruity smoothly. Pineapple-coconut and raspberry smoothly are my favorite. :smile: I also like tea. All kind. Herbal tea, fruity tea, green tea, English tea, jasmine tea. I probably tasted half the tea out there. I also like carbonated fruit juice. The 100% pure juice kind, not the one with sugar or diluted with water. I also like regular juice like apple and orange. White grape juice too. Oh, and my regular, filtered water.

  11. I have to agree with Laurie and Firefox here. I do believe that if we really try, society can come up with a program to rehabilitate inmates. But in ether case, we are merely treating the symptom, not the problem. There is not enough peace and compassion in the world. Justice isn’t about revenge or an eye for an eye. Its about what is fair and just. Its about showing a person why what they did hurt others. Its about making them understand and feel what their victim feel. Its about teaching compassion and tolerance. And it is about mercy and forgiveness. There is also a spiritual matter when it comes to the death penalty. Which is why it is wrong. By executing someone, society is in fact committing murder. And that itself carry penalty. What goes around comes around. And we cannot cure the world by killing. Killing only leads to more killing. When you take a life, you are taking your own life. Only love, can heal hate. Some say criminals are a cancer. But in reality, they are symptom of the cancer. The problems are greed, hate, intolerance, lack of communication, and violence. These are embedded in our society. So why drop down to their level? Spread your wings and fly high.

  12. On 2002-05-20 16:09, Trolldeg wrote:

    first wierdo pic coming up! :smile:

    I'm the one in the middle wearing black.

    Don't have any with me in heels, but I'm working on it. :/

    Nice picture Trolldeg.

    Just curious, who are the cute girls sitting next to you? And do they have any type of shoe fetish? Like are they into high heels or anything? Do they know about yours?

    Anyway, I’ll have to try to find a picture of me.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Firefox on 2002-05-21 23:20 ]</font>

  13. Happy Birthday Laurie!!! You too Calv!! May your wish come true. May you have a long, healthy, and happy life. So what did you do for your birthday? WARNING: Words of wisdom. Read on only if you want to be wiser!!! :eek: Birthdays are special days. Especially for your mother. Although you getting gift is nice, the one who should be getting something, especially from you, is your mother. Why? Because on this day, many years ago, she went through a lot of pain. But it was worth it, cause she bought you into this world. Just something to think about. :smile:

  14. On 2002-04-24 21:17, Francis wrote:

    it would be rebellion, as they are pushing the boundaries that had fausted upon them.

    how many of us have done the same? push the envelope to breaking point?

    even playing truant was a type of rebellion!

    kids will attempt to do anything that their parents do or anything that their parents tell them NOT to do!

    aren't kids wonderful!

    So according to this, if I want kids to do something, I should say the opposite right? :eek:

    So if I want them to eat their vegetable, I should say “Don’t eat your vegetable!” Or “Talk to strangers.” Or “Make a mess of your room!”

    Hehe :smile:

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