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Posts posted by confession

  1. I enjoy the feel of the height and walk - 10 (just try and this is what I felt) Fashion - an indispensible accessory - 0 For the extra height and confidence. - 2 (it could be for little men) A way to emphasise my feminine side. - 0 (I am a man and proud to be one) I am sexually stimulated by wearing them - 10 (it could be even I am not gay) To be more attractive. - 0 (don't need :lol: I am handsome enough and I prefer that women are attractive especially when wearing high heels :lol: ) By the way I don't wear heels anymore. Here is just what I could have said in the past if I were in the body of a woman :lol: .

  2. I mean I read it on the shoes... and not in a newspaper !!! I am not a little boy anymore to believe all what I can read on newspaper or listen to TV :lol::lol: . There is always somethings on a shoe or on a cloth that probe who make it even some people can put the same mark but it is illegal. So, I bought Ernest shoes and I can pretend that Ernest make his own shoes because of the material mark inside the leather shoes (where you put your feet) that probe it.

  3. I am not sure of what you say there. I know very well Ernest and I guess he builds his shoes by himself because there is always an "ERNEST" indication inside the shoes. we both know that even the money is Euro, there is some different price for the same product in different countries because the cost of the life and so one is different. It is just a question of economy ! I guess it is the same for country that use USD like in the united states.

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