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Posts posted by Claire

  1. How tall are you?

    5' 5'' but this doesn't appear in the poll for some reason.

    Are you happy with your height?


    Does your height have any bearing on why you wear heels?

    No. I quite often wear flats but heels make me feel sexy.

    What would be your perfect height?

    5' 5"

    How does your height compare to your partner?

    She's about 5' 7"

  2. It's funny. Men stare at my heels and don't say anything. women invariably pass comment. I've not really had any bad comments but I do find that the comments depend on what your wearing. If I wear my heels with a skirt and tights the looks usually say 'tart'. If I wear the same heels with jeans they usually go unnoticed.

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