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Heel Obsessi

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Posts posted by Heel Obsessi

  1. Hi Bubba. Well, we used to have a greengrocery store in Essex, many moons ago, andduring the 'quiet' moments of an afternoon, the wife would go and do her chores in the home, leaving me to run the shop. I wore heels behind the counter, but one day she came in unexpectedly, and I couldnt get them off fast enough, , she saw me fidgeting (use of a better word) and I didnt kick them out of site enough, she's told me she saw them back then. Ive only just told her of my desire to wear high heels, I guess because she knew, she wasnt really surprised, just said " I wondered when". the first time I walked in the home in heels. I'd have to say, she isnt 'supportive' in the sense of 100%, more tolerant (after all, at my age, why shouldnt I wear what I want?). I always assumed though, that wearing heels takes away ones masculinity, not the case at all. She says she wouldnt like me to wear high heels in her presence on a regular basis, but is okaay when I wear them to bed. She will wear high heels for me in bed now when we make love, which is a wonderous thrill to me, but I always make sure she is satisfied, so hopefully it can only get better from here on in. Ive asked in a sperate thread here, what woman think of men in heels, I would be very interested to know

  2. Hello Dawn HH. Well Im just this side of 70, but I've had this obsession with High Heels for maybe 40 years. Ive only just told my wife, although she did know (amazing , are wives?:cry1: ) I do wear them as much as possable, I prefer a 4 inch heels, dressy pump or sandal, fav colour? red, of which I have two pairs, I bought a pair of speghetti strap ties this week, and the feeling I get when I feel my sole in a high heel is undiscrible. then to walk in them, is something else. I know some guy's go out in theirs, but I havnt plucked up enough courage yet. How fo ladies feel about men wearing heels?

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