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Posts posted by blackberry

  1. I have been following this thread with interest since it started. Before when someone came to the door I always kicked my heels off and answered the door even if I was wearing a skirt. Well yesterday was HOT so I was wearing a light weight above the knee skirt and my new snakeskin pumps I bought to "break in my feet" so I can wear them for long periods of time. I want to work up to go out dancing in them. Anyway, there was a knock at the door and I just got up and answered. It was friends of my girlfriend who she had invited over for dinner. I had no idea they were coming and they had no idea I wear heels. I decided to play Host/Hostess so my girlfriend could enjoy her friends. Long story short, by the end of the evening the 3 friends who previously would barely say hello to me chatted with me like one of the girls. They didn't think that men could look nice in skirt and heels much less be NICE. I wonder what their husbands are like? LOL Blackberry

  2. I will have to say No. What heel wearing has done for me is to appreciate women and their femininity more. It also has made my best friend/girlfriend and I grow closer and have the best communication that I have ever had with anyone. We can talk about anything. No fear of rejection or judgment just open acceptance of who we are. She encourages me to wear what I want when I want. As we both think, their "just clothes". Its not what we wear who makes us who we are. Blackberry

  3. I agree with hhboots. Those shoes really go with the suit. I'm not much of a suit guy (an occasional formal dinner a year) but I almost wish I wore suits everyday. Did not look feminine ( not that that's a bad thing) at all. Sometimes I wear skirts and heels and sometimes jeans and heels. I think this fall at the next formal dinner I will wear one of my pairs of heels with my Tux. Blackberry

  4. This is my news boots!! I think i'll can't get the courage wearing them out...but I love the look!

    what do you think about?

    I really think you should wear those out. If they were mine I would start with the jeans on the outside and maybe runs some errands. BTW, where did you buy them and what kind are they? I am a timid heeler myself but I would love to have a pair of those boots to wear. :)

  5. Ok, the first thing I would like to say is that I about choked to death on my whiskey when I clicked on the image. She could be the twin sister of a woman I work with. With that said I think I should start watching TV again just so I see this show. Those boots are simply AMAZING!

  6. I say don't worry about it. You have told her about it a couple of times. Don't bring it up again. Just hold on to them and if they fit you, wear them around the house. She has a reason for leaving them there so enjoy. If she wants them back she will let you know. I would say that if you see or talk to her over the next 3 months and she hasn't asked for them back I would send her a thank you card for giving them to you. Maybe offer to go shoe shopping with her a buy her a pair as a way of saying thanks.

  7. Here's the second pair of heels that my husband bought for me as a christmas gift. I love the look of them and I absolutely adore the 5" heel!

    In contrast to the other pair that I got these work with just about anything from jeans to a very formal dress. :blinkbigeyes:

    Those are incredible heels! If I may ask, what brand are they and where were they purchased?


  8. Welcome to the forum trickrider.

    "I'm curious how a lot of you percieve yourselves relative to what I'd call the typical obsession with being "macho" or whatever that so many guys fall into. Does your open mind in regards to footwear extend through your whole life?"

    Since I can remember, I've always felt that adhering to certain frameworks that society has conceived was rubbish. I believed (and still do) that people are highly complex and multi layered.

    In my high school yearbook I was written to be a"complex" individual because the people who knew me (but weren't my close friends) could never categorize me into a certain group or label me to be something because I used to hang out with people from various groups, think in a manner that they couldn't form an opinion etc... My interest in feminine fashion styles is simply another way that I try and show the world that black/white is way too simplistic to judge a person. On the other hand, this style is hardly exclusive for me since I do enjoy dressing in a "macho" way as well.

    I too have been drawn to sports and activities that are more popular with women than men. I did gymnastics as a kid, I still horseback ride, I love to dance (ballroom as well) and have also started going to Yoga class. Society (especially here in North America, less in Europe) views men who are into these activities as not being macho but closer to being gay.

    I can't find a logical explanation to why my sexual orientation is in question because I like these activities. It's actually more logical that I participate in these activities because I like being around women (which is true). There are subjects that you simply don't talk about with guys that you can talk about with women. Being single, I also have a far better chance befriending and meeting women when I'm surrounded by them instead of playing ball with my male buddies (which is also fun). There are definite advantages to hanging out and enjoying activities that are more female oriented.

    To sum it up, I enjoy the best of both worlds. I have (according to what society thinks) macho characteristics as well as feminine ones. Both sides of the spectrum make me who I am. While my sexual orientation is clearly part of my macho side, my interest in feminine fashion is an expression of my feminine side.

    Thank You for putting into words what I too feel but have been unable to express. :blinkbigeyes:

  9. I don't think height really matters much. I too like taller women but its just the way people are hard wired. Some like tall or short or thin or fat. Yes some women won't date shorter men. Some don't care. And some seek out men who are shorter than them. I'm 5ft 8in and even though taller women catch my eye I have found that people personalities is what really draws us to each other. My girlfriend and I met at a birthday party a year and a half ago and I was drawn to her like a magnet. Later I found out that she was drawn to me also. Its funny when you think about it, but If I hadn't talked to her at the party I would probably have not ever known her. And if it wasn't for the unusual attraction I wouldn't have given her more than a second or third look because she doesn't fit within my idea of height I'm looking for in women. She's 5ft 9in and I look for 6 ft or taller. I guess what I'm trying to say os just relax and be yourself and don't worry about how tall or short someone is. People like others for who they are, not how tall they are.

  10. Two days ago a friend of mine was having a Birthday party at a very popular pizza place. I decided at the last moment to wear heels with jeans as she gets a big kick out me wearing them. I was quite nervous as I picked her up since I have only ever worn heels out in public when we go to a certain night club that is very excepting of "different" modes of dress. So this was going to be my "first" outing in the general public. We arrived and as I proceeded to the front everything is going great until I came to the tile floor and just about fell flat on my butt. Luckily I caught myself but I'm sure anybody watching would have had a good show. So now I'm very very nervous but I stand there talking to some of our friends until I regain my composure. Our Table is in the back and I have to walk through the entire place to get there clicking the whole way. Whew, i made it! Everyone sits down and we all start chatting. Several in our group take notice of my shoes ( 20 of us total) but only 2 say anything ( both women think my shoes are cute). BTW, Everyone in this group ( its a BDSM club ) knows about my high heel wearing and is very supportive. Lol, heck this is one of the mildest fetishes in the group. Anyway, back to the story. The pizzas arrive and its time for me to get my drink. So back I go across the building clicking on the tile floor. At this point I notice that several people saw that I was wearning womens shoes as I passed them. On the way back I couldn't help but search peoples eyes to see what there reaction was going to be. To my surprise I received two smiles from beautiful women. I also received a look from an older frumpy women like I had killed her cat or something. LOL I just smiled real big and winked at her and she turned red faced. Cool this is getting fun now. The evening is ending and hugs are being passed around as everyone is leaving when one of our waitresses comes up and asks me where I bought my sexy shoes. I told her Payless and she complimented me on what I was wearing( Oxford Booties, Levi's 515 boot cut womens jeans, and a short sleeved button down mens plaid shirt). Needless to say I tipped her quite well. All in all I had a Great night.

  11. Awesome!! What a great time you had. On a side note. Thoses shoes sound just like the same ones I have also. And you are right. They are very comfortable walking in. The longest I have worn mine is about 4 hours while out at a club.

  12. I have always gone in and asked for a appointment. Never been turned down but have definitely been given the cold shoulder. No one has ever said anything rude but I have noticed that the salons with an older age of workers are the ones who didn't like guys in there. Something else to consider is that Idaho is one of the more conservative states here in America.

  13. Does anyone have ideas on relieving the pain I get in the balls of my feet while I'm wearing heels? I have tried wearing platform heels. And while they don't hurt the balls of my feet, no amount of practice makes them easy to walk in. I currently have a pair of "bootie" type shoe that laces and has a 4 inch heel that I LOVE. I have tried putting the "Dr Sholl" type of insole in them but they don't help. Would the "gel" type be any better? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Blackberry

  14. Finding a Salon is a trial and error process. I finally found one 18 months ago and have been going there every 3 or 4 weeks since. About 90% percent of the time I have designs drawn on my toes. Doing so makes them a little more manly and a bit more accepted in a very conservative state.

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