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Posts posted by Sheerhose

  1. I always ask my hair dresser to wear heels for me, sometimes she does other times not. She takes it all in stride because we have had a good dialogue over the years of what we like or dislike in fashion, relationships etc., fortunatley she is OK with whatever makes a person happy. Bottom line is you have to know where the line is with any request or compliment. If asking a total stranger it may be crossing over the lines of being appropriate, unless you are really smooth tongued about it~

  2. I was on business trip the other day had just came into the hotel room when all the sudden knock on the hotel room door! I had just removed my heels a minute before, so there I was in jeans and nylon feet with heels sitting beside the chair about 3 feet fromt the door, I opened the door even though I had no idea who it was at the door. It was the hotel maid wanting to clean my room (again), so i open and then prop open the door and explain to her the room has already been cleaned and everything was OK. She stood there and looked at her paper work in which I took upon my self to look at as well with her, turns out she had wrong room number but she never commented on my hose clad feet or the heels which were in plain sight? I am sure it is everyday occurence for the maids so no suprise to her. I always leave my hose and shoes out when traveling, but never any comments that I am aware from the maid staff. Goes to show you no one really cares what you wear as everything has become uni-sex these days. So wear what you want and be happy, cause life is really to short to worry about what others think!

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