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Posts posted by olderdude

  1. Tabasco I have dealt with the Leslie Shoe Company for many years , because I have a little width problem , I wear a size 12 US ladies and never had a problem with thier shoes , or returning them they have a good selection for larger sizes....Ray

  2. Hi Ross......Have a good life and God Bless..I have been a christian for many years,It is society that says what we do is sinfull ,not God . He has given us many pleasure's to do with as we please, as long as we do'nt hurt any one else doing them. God has given us our freedom to dress as we please, buy materal things from cars to highheels hope this all makes sense as I'm not a good writer putting my thoughs out..

  3. Hi Everyone I'am just new to the site and the computer,I joined a coupla months ago and did'nt get a chance to make any postings as, we were in the middle of a big forest fire. I did'nt get burnt out but alot of my friends did I've been out helping clean up the mess, and we still got along ways to go. Today is the first day off in quit awhile. I have been into wearing stilettos for approx 50yrs and still into it , but not as often as in my younger years. I've not had to many problems with the ladies,as I only dress the lower half of me female,and when my lady stands beside me and sees how great she looks I'm not any competition for her. I wear a size 12 US ladies spike heel, and probibily will keep wearing them till I depart this planet very( happy).So long now...olderdude

  4. Hello heel lovers It sure is nice to have a web for HH lovers, I"am 59 yrs young and a lover of stiletto heels for 50+yrs,and still wear 4"&5" spikes.I am stiraight I think,6ft,200lbs,size 12 us ladies I have only dressed my bottom half totally female and now and then the top half female,if the ladies wanted me to.I was no threat to them by wanting to fully dress up all the time, and the reasons we broke up were not caused by dressing.I am just new to the computtttter and still have time getting around I"ve spent the last few reading all the forums in this website,and found them to be excellant , to bad i did"nt have in my younger years, there would be more people out the closet by now. d"nt mind my spelling as I get the wrong keys now then . MORE POWER TO HEELS

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