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Posts posted by Billhhf

  1. Hi Laurieheels, I agree with you 100% and you should only be hired on your merits and not on anything else. Just for clairification, my point was to go to an interview that you know you don't want the job for and play around just for the fun of it. If they offer you the job, say, "No thanks". I just thought it would be a great experiment and experience and you could report back to all of us. :lol: Have a great day you beautiful goddess. :lol: Bill

  2. Well, at least I tried. :lol: If you are not going to wear the heels, please put them up for bid during the sale (perhaps they are already there). I will be sure to win them!! How was the interview? Did you get the job? Chris is such a lucky guy. Don't let him forget that!! :lol:

  3. Hi Laurieheels, I am wondering how you are making out with your metal heels? A true goddess would wear them no matter what the consequences because they are so sexy. Please give them another try. Why not wear them to a job interview? Pulling together other threads, I must ask you, are you really going to wear 5 inch heels to an interview? If so, I suggest 5 inch heels with a metal heel and seamed stockings (give them a chance). Then go in, cross your legs and dangle your shoe away!! Perhaps it would be fun to try this out at a job interview where you really don't want the job. Just have some fun and see what type of reaction you get. A suggestion would be at an automotive dealership looking for a swithboard operator. My guess is there would be plenty of men their to "check you out." Please goddess, give it a whirl and report back. You are the greatest. Bill

  4. High Heels on the 4th Posted by Billhhf on July 5, 2003, 14:18:31 I was at a Fourth of July parade yesterday. It was hot and humid. This is a very large parade and unless you get there very early, the walk is usually a mile from the parade route. At first I saw only very low sandals, 2 to 3 inch plats at most. Nothing too exciting. But as the day progressed, I saw at least 5 pair of high heels. I'll save the best for last: 1) 1 pair was spiked, about 4 to 4 1/2 inches. It was hard to tell because she was wearing pants. One of the only few in pants. 2) 1 pair was platform. They were slides, white with a 5 inch platform with about a 1 inch platform in front. She was wearing Capri pants so the heels were very noticeable and very sexy. 3) 1 pair was also platform. These were also slides of about 6 inches, but the front platform was about 3 inches. All in all, she was up there on her heels and struggling a little, but looked very feminine and sexy in her own way. She was wearing shorts. 4) 1 pair was 4 inch pumps, black. She had on jeans. 5) The last and best pair were a pair of 5 inch, slides that were pencil thin. She had on the shortest shorts I have ever seen and a cut-off shirt to show her belly. Her hair was done up and puffed to heaven and her make-up was put on rather heavy. She had jewelry hanging from everywhere. As she passed, I saw quite a few people take double and triple takes and few even rolled their eyes. She was definitley dressed as if to say, "NOTICE ME!!!" She was in fact noticed by men and women alike. She looked gorgeous and sexy. I often wonder what allows a girl to dress that way to go in public? In truth, if it were night, she probably would have been considered a prostitute. But she was with her friends and they were dressed up a little but no where near how she was decked out. To go to a parade like that she had to know she was going to be the center of attention and stand out among everyone. I can only imagine that even if it's not sexual for her, she must just enjoy the attention. All in all a great parade and some great sites.

  5. Very odd, but beautiful Posted by Carl J on July 6, 2003, 13:43:03 I was in the mall the other day and I saw a woman which I must describe and see if anyone has any input into her outfit. She was a very plain woman, probably around 40. She wore not a stitch of make-up nor any jewlery. Her hair was very conservative and parted in the middle and came down to about shoulder length. She was naturally pretty, but nothing stood out about her. She wore an off white blouse that was not frilly and it buttoned up to her neck line. She had on a long skirt which came down past her knees, half way to her ankles. It was not tight fitting. She wore pale stockings with no frills or anything. She could have passed for anyone's mother. But here is the unusual thing: She was wearing 5" spiked, ultra thin, black pumps with the gold spike. It was so out of character with the rest of her. She was not short, I would say approaching 6 feet with the shoes on. So she must have been 5'6" or so. Although that's not tall, I could have seen the shoe style had she only been a 5' or 5'1" gal. She walked very gracefully in them, but needed to take small, mincing steps. I just couldn't figure out why she would be so wild with her shoes and yet so ultra conservative with the rest of herself. I saw her in the food court and quickly got myself a snack and sat about 5 tables from her. She was reading a magazine and eating. She had her legs crossed and it was pretty obvious that her feet were bothering her. At one point she kicked off one shoe and curled her leg under her and massaged the ball of her foot. Then she put her shoe back on and switched feet. When she was done with that she had both her shoes back on and crossed one leg over the other and started dangling her high heel of the end of her toes!! I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I don't think she was even conscious of what she was doing as she was absorbed in her magazine and not looking around to see if she had an audience. I think she was doing it just to relieve pressure and make her feet feel better. After she finished eating, she picked up all her shopping bags (she had been shopping awhile apparently) and strode off into the sunset. I was so tempted to follow her and comment on her shoes and try to strike up a conversation about them. I was really curious with why she wore such shoes when everything else was ultra conservative. But I didn't follow her because I know it would have been improper. Does anyone out there, especially you ladies, venture a guess on the outfit and why the contradiction?

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