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Posts posted by blender

  1. kneehighs When you put it as eloquently as that then I can do nothing else apart from admitting that I have read bubbas comments wrong.:clap::wave::blush::) Hardeeps exemptions are purely based around the sexuality of a person and as we know you cant use that as a reason not in this day and age and that is more shocking when there are pictures of him wearing a pink turban and wearing a kilt and to some that could be seen as a bit effeminate, I personally think that he would be o.k with it but the male bravado steps in and stops the male mind from admitting it. it would have been nice for him to of turned around and said if thats what you want to wear then who am I to say that its wrong. It said it all for me when he started to say that at weekends he dresses up, like the saying goes there is many a true word said in jest.

  2. bubba so what has anything that you have written to do with the thread???. just what are you reading bubba what the hell has credit worthyness and sasha got to do with the thread,i would like to know what you are smoking because i would like some. it will take more than you to insult me with your personal digs,like you said i dont mind and you really dont matter. Thanks again to bubba for taking things off course can we get back to the conversation about womens hour please.

  3. a quote from hardeep singh kohli from the radio show "i have worn heels for work kind of dressing up as a women for a comedy show" that is what is meant by in a profesional way as an entertainer bubba 41 minutes and 8 seconds into the interview "I'd rather read kneehigh's adventures than listen to someone I don't know saying things in which I absolutely have no confidence ." we all like reading kneehigh's adventures and he is an insipriation to all of us as well as all the others that wear heels out and share their adventures for all of us to read.you cant know most of the people on this forum so does that mean that you have no confidence in them either? Or is it a select few that you like. Thats the way it looks to me anyway.

  4. Hardeep has forgotten his Indian heritage of brightly coloured clothes and has been brainwashed by the European/ American way of dressing, i liked it when he mentioned he has cross dressed but only in a professional way!! yeah right like we believe that.

  5. male or female i'm not really bothered but her latest video has caused a storm because there is a man wearing heels, expect the usual negative comments about this.:wave:


    nothing new kylie done it better

  6. now this is a turn up for the books, things must be changing for me at home because i am now going to the rocky horror picture show in bristol, cant wait. my chance to do some public heeling yay:smile:.

  7. Just browsed through you galleries and for me the shoes that you have are very formal like the type that you would wear to the office but they sort of go with jeans as a smart casual, do you have to wear heels with the skirt why cant you wear sneakers because for me the skirt works as a casual look with your shirts but the shoes throw the whole balance out. Brown or tan shoes work best with a casual look for denim in my opinion or even failing that try wearing light black tights sorry hoes just to try and blend in the shoes with the skirt a bit.:)

  8. can somebody help me please I am trying to jazz up my shoes and I would like to add rhinestones/ sequins or just what ever takes my fancy to them but I am not sure as to what glue I should be using. Superglue I suppose would not be flexible enough how about barge glue would that work or do you know of another that would be best.

  9. don't know about that but I thought that they originated with the pirates boots especially when they where folded down but after research there are some jack boots out there that extend above the knee there are references that It might of started with the peasants way back when but where it started who knows


  10. Lil.Dan (w:anchor:) and Gabriel must be related. Gabriel, a chimpanzee at the Southwest National Primate Research Center, is said to have a shoe fetish (or possibly a leather fetish) according to caretaker Bert Barrera. See what happens when you give a monkey a computer. Sorry cinnamon I am not trying to make light of the situation just thought it sums up those type of people perfectly.:):smile:

  11. Pretty simple actually. She either excepts me for who I am heels and all and has a passion for heels also , along with other things in common, or not at all. I will NOT settle again!

    i agree johnieheel. for me if i was thrown out then the next partner that i meet would accept me for being me from the start because i would embrace the freedom to be who i am and start to wear them out from the word go, for to long i have suppressed my need to wear heels, so i would wear them out all the time (maybe).

    my next partner would be perfect for that reason

  12. to many negatives and not enough positives whys in the world as to why we do what we do and because of this people have a knee jerk reaction to the thought of it.

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