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Posts posted by wethheels

  1. hi all iam surprised buy some of the attitudes of people about men/women wearing heels. Could this be a culture thing or fashion? lets see shall we ? should you be a roman cothilic you were forbinden to wear black patent leather high heels at all and way back in the 16 centure it was the men who wore the dresses,wigs and high heels at this time in history it was so fashionable that law were pased forbiding the commeneers wearing high heels as high heels were used as a indicator to your socail standing to be a poorper and be wearing high heels it was a capital offence. hence the term "down on your heel". all of this changed in 1800 when queen victoria ruled she became the fashion model of her time white weddings etc men have been wearing pants since then and have not chaged apart from the odd a brieff spurt in the 1960 to 70 when men wore high heels with flares all be it in a platform style and in the world of music a number of singers /bands wore high heel boots on stage kiss being one that springs to mind and this did transfer to the public but only in a limited manner singer prince did wear high heels in public as did elton john however because of the sitgmarter of beeing branded a homosexaul men never took to high heels in any great numbers so here we are in the new millenium wanting to wear high heels yet wont for one factor or another john wethheels

  2. g day all or hello from the land down under as we say any one here from australia that would like to have a bbq and a chat and bring your hheels along? who knows what could happern........... so if you live in australia or wouldlike come down under let me know and see what i can arange john wethh

  3. i remember as child of about 8 my neibour had moved in hes mother had the highst heel she quickly became my adopted mother( as my mom had gone away never did find out who she was oh well) well my neibours mom shoes were wild to look at and evern better to wear i would go in to her room and pinch her shoes and return them later then one day selling papers on a street corner the heverns opened up and rain fell and the gutters over filled forceing the ladies to walk into the gutter just over ankle deep :wink: and before you know it i feel in love with womans wet shoes to see the water over flow and hear the shoes squellch mmmmmmmmmm years later doing secruity work at a private function the ladies went swimming into the pool with cloths and shoe WOW WETLOOK hence the name wethh john wethh i f only i could meet aladie who ?

  4. me addicte ? :D no no no no no just because i know all of the shoe stores in melbourne geelong ballarat to name a few and now learning adelaide iam not addicted with a collection of 50 plus pairs or more i hope she loves me loves my hh shoes collection me addicted? no of course not...... ok ok i confess i do please forgive me (on my knees begging) i wont buy another pair honest :wink: ................... those pair of ankle strap wedgies look mmmmmmmmmmmm yum got to have excuse me were did you get those shoes ? please? john wethh

  5. if only i could lose weight. i could fly choppers again :wink: and do it in heels life on the ground sucks but any way please let me know how to lose so much weight my icq no is 68595757 john wethheels ok i have takern on what you all have said and it is working last night I wore heels all the day and most in the the nigh i went for a lower heel and it saved my foot also some of you might recall that i broke a pair of heels while walking in them i rang the import company direct and they said go back for a refund or repalacement pair i did the shop assitant whom caused me grife was more than happy to help me while their I was giver the owners direct phone no :D amazing when you go to the top and complain thanks all see you in hheels johnwethheels

  6. hi all I am new here and I have on the odd occassion worn hh for a day however it has been some time since my last day out in heels this I done on sunday the 6/7/03 and I LOVED iT YEAPIEEEEEEEEEEE. :wink::D:o:D:) ooops sorry for the enthuasim one complaint the ball on my right foot is sore from walking all day and driveing so with brokern heel and now a sore foot i must be (a) a idiot or (B) glutern for punishment © any idea as to if it will pass and i can walk more regularly in hh? :lol::D:o:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: john wethheels ps any ladies worn wet hh please let me know?

  7. while walking in a pair of new highheels sued open toe sling back the wide heel folded back under the sole and cut into my left foot "bugger it" now I have a sore foot for my efforts I went back to the shop to complain about it .shoes only one day old and all i got was a terse reply :wink: "not happy jan" so now you know beware of high heels some times they bite back john wethh

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