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Posts posted by Zimmy

  1. The reason for asking is that i feel that this board has become more and more a board for discussions around crossdressing and the different issues men are facing wearing heels. And now i see people are getting "bumped off" beacause of a post about something that's highly high heel related. I'm of course reffering to the fetish issues that i beleive led to hhds leaving. So if there is no room for discussions around fetish reletad subjects, I'm leaving too. I really don't understand how a board like this don't accept things like that? So if i'm the only male here that just has a high heels fetish, don't like wearing heels myself, don't like wearing womens clothing, just plain and simply love high heels on women, then please tell me so I can find another community.

  2. Here I'd have to say that Anita C has made a point, ten years from now, how many will remember a Britney tune compared to (the elder and perhaps fewer still around) who will remember a Led Zeppelin tune???

    "everyone" that's younger than 20+- years now, will remeber a britney tune more than a zepperlin tune! i'm 23 now, and i listen to bob dylan, stones, metallica, johnny cash, REM and lots of different blues artists. mostly music made before or right after i was born. and i have to admit, sadly, that i know the name of more britney songs than zepperlin songs, even though i own one zepperlin album, and none of britneys...

  3. this question has been discussed for ages in all fetish communities, and outside. the general opinion is that it has to do with something that happened in your early childhood. maybe your first sexual experience (not that you would now what sex was at that age) involved shoes? it's not in your genes, so that means that somewhere along the road, something happened that made you like this. there was a long, and good discussion on this subject a few years back on the asff forum, sadly it's down, and has been so for a long time

  4. can't see what her iq has to do with anything? what has the ability to see the difference between one stupid figure and another stupid figure that look exactly the same have to do with beeing an artist? i missed a bit on the debut date above, it was in january 99, but it's still 5 years and that's too long to lable her as a 5 min wonder. Here are what her records have accomplished on the billboards charts so far: Baby One More Time Jan 99: - Largest Debut Album Sales by Female Artist - First Female Artist to Have #1 Single and Album Simultaneously Oops!...I Did It Again May 00: - First Female Artist to go Platinum in one week -1st place in most albums sold by a female artist in one week -2nd place in most albums sold by artist or group Britney Nov 01: - First Female Artist to have 3 consecutive albums at number one (!) In The Zone Nov 03: - First Female Artist to have 4 consecutive albums at number one (!!!) Britney holds the #1 (1.319 million for Oops! ... I Did It Again 5/09/00), #3 (745,744 for Britney (11/06/01) and #5 (current album) debuts on the Billboard Album 200 chart for any female artist in the history of Soundscan. Britney has the largest first week scans of any female artist in any week of 2003. These are US sales only! I have to say that I don't like her music (I'm more of a Bob Dylan guy) but these numbers are impressive, and you can't just ignore these facts even if you don't like her music. Someone obviously does...

  5. she has admitted on TV that she has a foot fetish and she loves to have her feet licked and kissed! That's gotta be worth something!! :D There is no point in discussing the question of having talent or not in todays pop music industry. "Talent" is measured in $$$ made and there Ms. Spears has an enourmous talent! Comparing her to the great rock bands mentioned above is completely meaningless, two different worlds. She has turned into more of a icon than a great artist. She's kinda like David Beckham :(:( However, there are reasons for her popularity, and don't forget that her debut album was released in 1997 (or was it 98?) so she's been delivering what "the people" want for over 6 years now.

  6. not sure if this has been talked about in this forum earlier, but... mariah carey has an extremely impressive shoe closet. if any of you use the kazaa network to download files (and probably any other P2P network), search for the mtv cribs episode with mariah. the part with the shoe closet is part 3. it's a whole room full of shoes...a dream! i also read an article somewhere about her, and she loves having sex wearing high heels, and she also cleans the shoes before she takes them to bed, because she don't want dirt on her expencive bedspreds... at least in that area she's my kinda girl :(

  7. i got bored, nothing on tv and my girlfriend is out, so i translated the whole thing very quick: Women?s huge interest in shoes is hard for many men to understand. But there is still much that suggests that women are right spending so much time in choosing shoes. Here are some interesting facts: Shoes are very important to many, There are several studies that shows that shoes isn?t just something to keep our feet warm, but also something that sends out several signals to the surroundings about the person wearing them. Education effects the type of footwear. A few years back the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society did research wether education had an impact on what kind of shoes women choose. According to this study 58% of women with high education used shoes without heels, 17% used shoes with low heels and 16% wore sneakers and similar. Among women with lower education the numbers were different. 37% used shoes without heels, 16% with low heels and 39% sneakers and similar. The study also showed that wearing high heels increased the chance of damage to feet and legs. Shoes and men Research is also done on the signals womens clothing are sending out to men. According to the magazine Happy Woman, shoes say twice as much about the person than any other clothing. There has also been made a list of what kind of shoes attract what kind of men, so if you always end up with the wrong kind of men, your shoes might have something to do with that. Here are some tips. Sneakers and similar Often chosen by practical and sensible persons. Seen often among nurses and other health workers. Those who choose this type of footwear are often caring persons. Contradictions attract eachother, and those who choose this type of footwear tend to attract men who can take care of them and make their everyday life easier. This kind of men often focus on safety and comfort in a relationship. Shoes with low heels and flats. These shoes send out signals of comfort and beautiful clothes. Often chosen by office workers. Women with this kind of footwear is looked upon as potential spouses. Many married women chose this kind of shoes. Women wearing this kind of shoes often attract men over 30 that have started worrying about making a commitment and starting a family soon. Also married men that are bored in their own relationship, seeking a flirt. Shoes with high heels. Women who?s priority is looks, often choose high heels and are willing to sacrifice the comfort of the feet to look attractive. This kind of shoes sends out signals that the wearer is exotic and willing to face new challenges even if it can lead to difficulties later on. Shoes with high heels will attract men that are adventurers and often willing to experience new things with you. Many men find this kind of shoes erotic. The problem with the men that you attract with this kind of shoes are that they often aren?t looking for a steady relationship and therefore there is a chance that they?ll leave you after a while. Platforms Platforms that aren?t unaturally high sends out signals that the wearer is playful but still practical and caring. So long as they are not to high, platforms is the choice according to Happy Woman. These shoes will attract younger men that care about fashion, so it will demand a lot from the rest of your waredrobe. The men attracted to these kind of shoes are also often well updated in politics and other aspects of the society. The problem can be that they are young and afraid to make a commitment.

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