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Melissa Guy

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Posts posted by Melissa Guy

  1. Melissa Guy, I hope you will be able to realize your dream of wearing sandals out. I have worn sandals like those in your last pic out a couple of times in public, under jeans, and enjoyed every minute of it! Good luck


    That's really, really awesome!! what was the reaction of the people?

  2. Yeah, it's the same with high heels. They originally came in as men's wear a few centuries ago, but then for some reason they switched to being a female thing. Hopefully that'll soon change to being a female AND male thing... soon...


    Too bad this will NEVER happen in Brazil... :lol:

  3. intresting :) you know, It is very nice the story about these sandals, the guy who founded "Grendene" the brand that makes the sandal Melissa, went to europe in 1979, and he noted that the fishers used a plastic sandal to walk on the rocks...the sandal was called "fisher man" and he brought this idea to Brazil... it sold like water, it was a fever with the teen girls... but only girls!!! and Melissa was made only for women... too bad, because originaly, it was a men's sandal... :lol: Well, I use these sandals since I was 14... but I was the only guy who used it... now it is common to see guys using this sandal... :(

  4. Hey guys! Let me explain better, I think I expressed wrong... maybe are not the sandals that are diferent.... I think brazilian women "prefer" or uses more these kind of sandals... :lol: And what do you think about the plastic sandal?

  5. Well, here are some pics of brazilian women sandals... I think it is completely different from the sandlas you like... well, My dream is to use anyone of these sandlas in public....

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    I will post more pics later....please tell me what do you think...

  6. Let me introduce first... I'm a 23 old guy who lives in Brazil, and I wear woman shoes since I was 14... But I have never used high heels in public.

    Now let me explain this nick "Melissa Guy", that's how my ex-girlfriend called me, because I was completely crazy for a woman sandal named "Melissa". let me describe it... it is a transparend plastic sandal...

    Thats the sandal I use since I was 14...

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    I am CRAZY for this sandal... I have many of them!! you can check out other models at www.lojamelissa.com.br

    Well, I do like high heels also... but not boots, I like high heels sandals and women sandals in general... but I think, in my opinion, that Women sandlas I see in USA are VERY diferent from Brazil... I can say that american sandals looks like Old woman sandals!

    The brazilian sandals are more "delicated"... I will post some pics later!!

    Well, all I can say is that I'm pretty happy to know that I am not alone!!

    I hope I can use a high heel sandal some day!!!

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