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Posts posted by STEFFY

  1. Thank you to all who responded. It is a bit of a mine field at best and particularly if as others point out, buying over the internet. With anything that requires a specific fit I like to try the item (or in this case shoes) on to see and feel if they actually fit. Another tip I can pass on is to measure your foot on a measuring rack so you know your exact foot size in either Male or Female size. You might be surprised to find the size you THOUGHT you were is not the case! Cheers, STEFFY

  2. I apologize if this subject has been posted before. One thing which drives me crazy with shoes is the disparity in the sizing. I wear a size 12 and have experienced the disappointment of so called size 12's that were too big or too small. Apparently the Chinese sizing for North American shoes runs small which is annoying because if it isn't a full size then perhaps it should be labeled as a half size below it? Add to this whole dilemma the international mix of differing sizing methods and you have set the stage for all the confusion that is apparent when we buy shoes. I sure wish that the world shoe makers would adopt and use ONE standard of measurement world wide with a way to indicate if the sizing varies from the the standard such as a plus sign for slightly larger than the size, or a negative sign if slightly smaller. Width is something that also seems to be no longer considered. We don't all have narrow feet. If anyone in the industry is listening.... perhaps this might be an idea worth adopting? STEFFY

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