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Posts posted by JayBee

  1. I too love the feel and sound of heels sinking into things, one of the reasons I enjoy about wearing heels, but as has been pointed out where you do that requires discretion. However, it is a thrill having your heels watched by an admirer  as you walk, which adds greatly to the pleasure 

  2. I have to admit I do enjoy walks in snow in stilettos.I like to hear the snow crunch under me, and absolutly love seeing the heel prints I leave behind. that being said, walking in slushy/wet conditions is no fun for sure Jay

  3. Walking in snow in smooth soles a quick way to fall, but with a tread of some sort on them, a lot more stable. On glare ice, not much hepls, but on snow the thin heels do dig in a bit. Nice to hear the snow crunch under the heel as you walk, and even dig in a bit on packed snow

  4. Hi Melissa Guy, had 2 different reactions to my sandals. Fiest time when out in them, a guy picked up on them right away, and really stared hard at them, didn't say anything, but sure looked them over! Second time went shopping in them at a mid sized store, walked around for close to 10 minutes, and nobody appeared to notice I was walking on 4 inch platform sandals! wore them under longer jeans on both occasions Jay Bee

  5. Melissa Guy, I hope you will be able to realize your dream of wearing sandals out. I have worn sandals like those in your last pic out a couple of times in public, under jeans, and enjoyed every minute of it! Good luck JayBee

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