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Posts posted by Abbey

  1. Hi Ya'll and thanks for the warm welcome and comments. I really would love to know more about the upcoming Heel Meet. I would also love to chat about things like for instance,.....Your most favorite pair of heels......The most extreme heels that you own and or have tried.......your idea of the perfect oair of heels.....what is the longest time that you have worn heels consecutively with out removing them, etc.....we could also share fashion pointers on what kind of clothing goes best with what kind of heels and yes male as well as female clothing should be icluded in this discussion. Well I have shot off my mouth enough today and hope that I have peaked interest in some of these topics. I hope to compare notes soon. Until then, Huggs Abbey
  2. Hello to all from Ohio. My name is Abbey or Abigail for those who are a bit more formal. I am a 40 ish (girls never admit their true age <smiles>) female from Ohio that absolutely loves High Heels and owns over 100 pairs (at last count). I am especially fond of exotic (trying to be politacally correct here) heels that are unique and or made to be worn all the time. I welcome any advice or discussion about the subject. My personal favorites are very high heel thong sandals. I am actually looking for a specific pair of them. If any one knows where i might purchase a pair of Very High Heel Thongs with a heel and platform or a pair of very high heel thongs with the thing part going between all the toes please share this with me.

    P.S. Yes i do wear High Heels every day and have been doing so for at least the past 10 years.



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