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The Immortal

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Posts posted by The Immortal

  1. Here's an update from the night at the club :smile: I decided to go a with a pair of black 6" pumps with a stiletto heel I bought from Wet Seal on clearance for $10 that have metal studs and a zipper on the front for decoration..They actually look really nice and my style. I call my "Punks" The DJ was great, and the best part nobody cared I was wearing my heels. Maybe they were getting smashed and to busy dancing to care. lmao

  2. I was wonder if someone could help me out here, I'm a pretty avid makeup user mostly just eye makeup (liner, mascara, wild shadows) but I'm stumped when it comes to foundations and concealers. Only ever used Bloody Mary's "White Heat" when I'm on stage, but it doesn't cover the 5'o clock shadow when it comes in and it doesn't look all the greatest anyways :smile: So I was wondering what is a good foundation and concealer to use, and what steps to get a VERY pale flawless look? And can I top it off with White Heat since it's the palest powder ever?

  3. 1. No, I'm a singer...Most of my music is pre-recorded, since I'm a one man show all I have to do is sing. 2. Custom Mic, does that count? lol 3. Gothic, techno, with a little screamo thrown in. 4. I would love to learn to play a electric guitar, I have a heart shaped one I been eyeing up, with a custom color that looks like blood spatter all over it.

  4. Thanks for the comments guys, had some personal problems that prevented me from posting without me sounding overly depressed. But anyways took a drive while wearing a pair of Iron Fist Babylons, didn't get out of the car to do anything just a drive around to check a couple lakes to fish. Tomorrow night is looking exciting going to go clubbing with someone :smile:

  5. Enjoyed the day with my two best friends at a mall in the neighbouring county. Day started off at breakfast where the waitress wanted to know where I got my shoes :smile: of course an odd glance once in awhile, nothing to pay much heed too. At the mall ended up looking at some Iron Fist Heels in Hot Topic, found a sweet pair called "Zombies" too bad they were out of 10's :silly: the day went pretty well went without hitch no one really cared, except for one moron that decided to call me a fag as I walked by him. Kinda funny coming from someone that really dressed like a bum during the dark ages and carrying a VS bag :)

  6. If you haven't seen me post on these boards or really notice me it's ok I'm one of the younger posters that has lurked for awhile but I won't say my age, just decided on started a thread about my HH outtings. Hopefully to encourage the younger guys to just do it instead of sitting at home staring at their shoes .. Anyways I'll be doing my first reported trip (not my first probably like zillionth time going out in public but first time reporting on it :pulsingheart:) which will be at least 8 hours in public. So look for pics and a story on Friday on this thread :blinkbigeyes: ~ Immortal

  7. Good to hear you've been in public more than once. How do you do it? Care to share the secrets? :blinkbigeyes:

    EDIT: Made the group, as soon as I thought about it. http://www.hhplace.org/group.php?groupid=34

    My best advice is just go do it and not be ashamed or worry about people that stare or whatever. Though it is easier to start where you have a very limited chance of running into people you know (i.e Go out of town for a day put on a pair of your favourite shoes)

  8. So,

    any new heeling stories amongst us? Or any new gains?

    And are there any more fellow-aged heelers? (18-25) I know there are! :happy:


    Don't really know how I missed this thread always thought I was a loner in this age group here? :pulsingheart: But yeah turning 21 this year and been wearing heels since 14.

    I always be a closet heeler though until I was 17, been wearing heels in public at least twice or more a week since then :blinkbigeyes:

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