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Posts posted by trixi

  1. It's been a long and arduous journey but I have finally found fabulous wedding shoes that are absolutely perfect. Perfect aside from the size ;) I tried the shoe in the size I usually wear heels and it was just too big. Not dramatically but it kept slipping off my heel... not very good for dancing. I tried one size smaller and it fit, it was just veeery tight in the front and crushed my toes quite a bit. I figured it's leather and I could make it work as a pair of shoes like this wouldn't come along again. I read up on the internet on a few different ways one could stretch shoes. The best tip is going to a cobbler and having them stretch them but I'm in South Africa so finding a cobbler (a proper one) isn't an easy task. I'm also struggling to find spray on product I can trust. And ordering it from another country might take a while. I read on the internet somewhere that you could fill zip lock bags up with water and put them in your shoes. You then put the shoes in the freezer and the water will expand when it freezes and stretch the shoe. I do however feel a bit uncomfortable with putting my very expensive very lovely wedding shoes in the freezer and have them get all wet and frozen. Am I being overprotective of my new babies or will they survive a trip to the freezer?

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