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Status Updates posted by geo

  1. love your boots. I am a boot lover myself.

  2. geo

    I just love your avitar. I am a boot lover and that is the avitar I like. Cool avitar. Do you love boots too? Would like to talk to you soon.

  3. Love your go go boots. I am a stilletto heel wearer in boots myself.

  4. geo

    Good looking pumps girl.

  5. Hello my name is geo. Do you like boots or pumps? Do you care if guys wear boots?

  6. I would love to have a pair of those boots in jens avitar

  7. hi this is geo. You look beautiful. Let us be friends.

  8. hi Dave and cathy how are you. I lost all of my boots because my wife thinks they are ungodly. She is on 41 pills and is very sick. In the beginning she bought boots for me. now she can not stand them. I am trying to sneak some but having trouble. They are what a security blanket is to linus. Talk to you soon.

  9. geo

    hey this is geo . How are you i have missed talking toyou. Are you still playing drums.

  10. Love your avitar.

  11. your avitar is still beautiful. How are you ? Those boots are fantastic. Do you have any more pictures in boots. I love the boots you are in. I am looking for the stiletto and shaft that your boot has. hope to talk about boots with you soon.

  12. geo

    just wanted to say hi and talk about heels with you.

  13. Hey girl what is shaking. Can you tell me what you now have in your wondrful boot collection these days. Hope we can talk soon. l

  14. You have beautiful legs in your avitar. Do you wear boots too. I love boots . I hope this does not bother you. I wear size 11 in USA measure. Talk to you soon.

  15. I also love womans high heel boots. Let us be friends.

  16. geo

    love your avitar boot . Where can I find them.

  17. Did you get those boots at charlotte russe? I have something similar

  18. geo

    how are ya. Hope to talk to you soon.

  19. geo

    love those boots. I needa pair of those.

  20. enjoyed your chicago picture. Nice skirt too.

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