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Posts posted by FGWJON

  1. hi all, was off work today so decided to catch up on a few chores,as you will know from my previous post this is not my first time out in public but today was different!!!!! To date i have not been out in daylight for a signifcant period of time in heels so i decided to bite the bullet...... Pulled on my "safest" pair of boots (3/4 length with 1.75" heels) under a pair of old jeans and went outside to clear the rubbish out my garage that has accumulated over the months.Having loaded up the car with rubbish,I started out on the 3 mile journey to the local tip (in the past i have tended to pack a pair of trainers to change into in case i "chicken out",today all i had was what i was wearing so there was no going back..).On arrival at the tip i told myself "take no notice of anyone around you,if you look at them they will look back & you will draw attention to yourself".Don't ask me how but i managed to get out the car (very apprehensive,trying not to show it!)go to the back & unload without incident.Even though it was a Tuesday morning it was suprisingly busy! No one seemed to notice, if they did i certainly was not made aware of it.Now feeling very comfortable & excited in my heels i drove away for my second mission: A parcel needed collecting from my local postal sorting office,so as it was on the way home i naturally would have to go & get it! Now i should explain that the sorting office is right next to a level crossing which is also nextto my local railway station.To visit said premises involves parking across the road & using the level crossing to get there,this i did with the added bonus of the gates being down,so as this is a busy road having to walk past a lot of stationary vehicles thus a lot of spectators as well as passing pedestrians.Without trying to make it too obvious by counting i must have passed 30+ people,while here,did this feel good or what!!!!! Now to find the confidence to do it again with perhaps some higher heels,any ideas anyone???? :lol::(:)

  2. my congrats to thigh highs on his recent trip outdoors,I am new to this myself,athough i have worn heels in private for some years now.I have recently started to go out in what i call my "safe boots" (these are 3/4 length with 1.75" block heels) under my jeans,trips around my local towns as well a trip by train to Salisbury,have passed without incident,needless to say i feel "liberated".Now to try & find the confidence to wear something higher in public! (my collection of boots ranges from 1.75" to 5.5"heels).Perhaps this should be my new years resolution!Will post a few more details of my exploits to date later if anyone is interested.Happy New Year to you all....... :lol::(:)

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