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Posts posted by Allyx

  1. I'd like to order three pairs of heels from Zappos.com, but they won't ship outside of the US. Are there any kind souls (or should that be soles :-?) in the US who would be willing to purchase them on my behalf and ship them to the UK? I'm thinking of non-California, Kentucky, and Nevada residents, as they have to pay sales tax! I would of course pay all necessary costs, including onward shipping to the UK. Paypal seems the most obvious way of doing this! I'm not ready to place an order yet, just dipping a pointy toe in the water to see if it's even feasible.

  2. There's no way the infant brain can be pre-programmed to favour high heels - they're a human invention that have not been around long enough for natural selection to have weeded out the non-heel-appreciating specimens.

    However, I do find it curious that most people (although I haven't performed a survey) see high heels as a pleasant thing to look at - even though they might not see the heels themselves but their overall effect on the shape of the leg.

    It's my theory that our brains have developed to favour a certain look - a look which indicates that the individual in question is healthy and will give birth to healthy offspring. Perhaps a longer, toned leg subconsciously indicates that its owner would be a faster runner and therefore be better at hunting or escaping from predators.

    I believe that high heels make the leg look longer, or perhaps closer to some unknown ideal. Consequently, those with longer legs automatically are more attractive to most of us. However, some of us have a real thing for high heels, and that could be due to a combination of an individual's stronger emphasis on long legs, with a quirk in the fact that we as humans reason differently from other animals. It's a quirk of our own sentience. :sleeping:

    Now in english:

    Some of us like longer legs than others due to the way our brains are wired from birth. Those of us with a highly developed sense of aesthetics and good imaginations, and who also have an innate preference for longer legs are in my opinion bound to end up liking heels. A lot. And then there are those of us who like heels a lot more than average, and these are the people who visit www.hhplace.org

    You can send my Nobel Prize in the post in the form of a pair of those fantastic Diesel Cuzca shoes which you may see to your left. :-?

  3. Jim, I think you might be referring to the street-racers as featured in "The Fast and the Furious". Hondas are far too good to start with for a Chav to bother with upgrading. I believe the object of the excercise is to take a crap car and upgrade it by making it even worse. There is the notable exception of the Honda CRX, which was really an excellent rocket-powered rollerskate, especially in VTEC form. I once saw a chav who had attempted to ruin a CRX, but failed miserably. I do believe he managed to get as far a debadging it for that bewinged anonymous chavmobile look...

  4. I do plan to come along one of these days. I'll need to take a day off work, as I believe all your heelmeets have taken place during the week. I think I will be strictly observing for the first one. In fact, it will be the general public I will be keeping my eyes on. I want to see exactly what kind of reactions you get. It's not that I don't believe that nobody notices, but I wonder if those of you who are brave enough to street-heel in broad daylight really care what others think. You might be oblivious to genuine stares. I do know I'm being silly. If I want to wear shoes or boots that have funny shapes attached to one end, then that is my perogative. But I have always been a self-conscious beast at the best of times. This is not helped by the fact that I regularly get stopped by total strangers who stare at me and ask if they know me from somewhere, or if I am on TV. I have no idea why this happens so much, as I have never met or seen anyone else who looks even *remotely* like me. But one thing is for sure, I have a very memorable personality and face (and shape!). People who meet me once seem to remember me for years. I have the memory of a goldfish, and whenever I get stopped in the street, I have to pretend I know the person from somewhere - just in case I am supposed to know them!

  5. Well it's times like that I wish I had a camera phone. Ethical implications aside, those are the only times I wish I had a camera in my phone. Usually I want my phone to be a phone though. Its monochrome LCD guarantees good visibility in any light, and it works as a great phone. Any UK readers have a spare Nokia 6310i by the way? I don't know what I'll do when I finally manage to break mine. It's been dropped out of a 3rd storey window, trodden on (thankfully not with a stiletto!) fallen out of my pocket whilst I was riding my bike at over 80MPH (allegedly). Don't even ask how I found it again, but I did, and it's still in perfect working order! When they bring out a compact camera phone with a decent quality lens and CCD (never mind multi megapixels!) I might buy it, but for now I want my 6310i!! Sorry for going off topic!

  6. Well, I am really disappointed in myself. I had planned to go out on my first ever proper street-heeling expedition tonight, aided by the cover of darkness. Most of my collection would not be suitable due to being excessively high/pointy/noisy/attention getting, but I do have a pair of black matt leather over the knee pull-on boots with 4" stiletto heels with plastic tips - a nice easily manageable height, and not too noisy either. I have chickened out for 3 reasons: 1. All my trousers and jeans are not long enough and the leg only just reaches the floor when standing bare-footed, plus they are all pretty light in colour. I will buy some longer (I wear a 32" inside leg, so maybe 36" leg?) boot-cut trousers in black - that should enable me to get away with it, and they can be my special high-heel-only trousers. 2. Most of the major towns around here are infested with "Chavs" and louts who mainly seem to come out at night. I am worried that they might spot me and give me a hard time - the last thing I need on my first proper outing. I have read that many of the guys on this forum have had their worst reaction from these types, so I need to research my route/location a little better - preferably somewhere I will not run into anyone I know. 3. Those boots have no zipper/fastenings of any kind and they take a while to squeeze my feet through the rather narrow ankle. Once on, the fit is great, but I am well and truly stuck in the boots until I can get home and lie on my back, where I can use both arms to pull and pull. It typically takes me 2-3 minutes to get each boot off with the aid of furious ankle wiggling. Perhaps I should select a pump that I can whip off at a moment's notice and run for it/change into a pair of flats. Or perhaps not. Being stuck in those boots in public has a certain kind of wicked appeal to it - it would certainly make it more exciting! I have a pair of Jante 4" stiletto heels in an otherwise very plain style, also with plastic heel tips. They are so obviously more “femme” though, so I have kind of discounted those. I think the boots would work better. I also have ankle boots with only 3" heels, but those heels are really microscopically thin and metal-tipped, not to mention uncomfortable! I suppose I could buy some shoes/boots that would fit my frame better (I am 6'2" tall and on the wrong side of 250 pounds :-?. I am really not interested in block heels, and blade heels are even more of an aesthetic disaster to my eye. I don't mind a sturdy heel that tapers to a less thick tip. I really don't like it when it looks like the heel of the shoe contributes 50% of its mass!

  7. These Comments are aimed at Jeff... I really love your blue "pumps". I've always wanted a pair of my own. I'm sure they weren't so lovely, but I used to remember that as a child, I watched British Airways air hostesses wearing shoes like that. They were a similar colour (color) to the ones you are wearing, and in my mind's eye they were just as alluring. Nowadays, they mostly seem to wear nothing higher than 2" with a much thicker heel, except for a few die-hards. Maybe the health and safety killjoys had something to do with it. I just flew BA to Germany last weekend, and before the safety announcement, the captain mentioned that BA are phasing in a new uniform. Since all the cabin crew were male on my flight, I didn't even bother to look at what they were wearing - men's clothing is sooo boring don't you think? I imagine the ladies shoes are going to be pretty dull! Which brings me to my next comment - those brown pumps. I think I am in love with your shoes! They really look great. Like you, I never really considered brown as an exciting colour, but one look at that picture was all it took to change my mind. At this rate, my collection will hit 40 pairs by Christmas. Now if only I had the guts to tell my family, "All I want for Christmas.... is shoesssss......" (where's the singing smiley??) ps. Since I live in the UK, I believe I am legally obliged to apologise to anyone not of the Christian faith (including myself), as I may have inadvertently offended or marginalised those people by mentioning the word beginning with "Christma" and ending in "s". So sorry. :-?

  8. Hi Racoon! That was a great story - I was right there with you, but I'd love to know how you came to be tricked into trying the boots on! Are you sure you didn't help the situation along just a little, or even engineer it? The first (and sadly the only) times I have worn heels openly in public, I totally engineered the circumstances! I might have had a little help from unwitting participants in my plan, and if anyone would like to hear the story, I'll post it in the "stories with a heely theme" section. Allyx

  9. OK, I saw these 3 pairs on ebay. The first two are by Faith, and the third is by Dollhouse.

    I would dearly love to find any of these styles in my size (Euro 45/46 UK 11)

    Any ideas at all? I can't find any info on the web about them. Not even their model names. I found a style similar to the second from Bronx shoes:


    Anyway, see what you think. I would be willing to pay ££lots to get the first style made up for me in my size (if anyone knows where!)

    Faith with round toes and elasticated topline :D

    (I loved these so much I bought them even though they're too small for me - and just look at that heel. It's enough to make me melt! I can't wait for them to arrive...)

    Posted Image

    Faith with pointed toes and elasticated topline

    Posted Image

    Dollhouse with round toes and stacked heel

    Posted Image

    Any ideas?? Someone must know!

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