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Posts posted by kipperdoodle

  1. I'm brand new to the forum, I was pleased to find it! I've been wearing heels (anything from pumps to slides) in public for nearly a year. I've only seen a few other men in this area that do, but it's good to see. In Summer, my favorites are a pair of black platform slides (2" platform, 3.5" heel) I usually wear nail polish, which really gets the double-takes. I've really learned to enjoy some of the goofy looks I get. My wife and I are both shoe addicts, and seem to be in competition as to which of us has the most shoes. It's wonderful to have a partner that not only understands, but encourages. (It's also good to have someone who will save you from an embarassing faux-paus.) Take the step, guys! You'd be surprised at the positive comments you will get. I was Christmas shopping for my wife a couple days ago, wearing black Mary Janes with a 3" heel. The clerk thought they were great! Happy Holidays, everyone! Kipperdoodle

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