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Mule Freak

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Posts posted by Mule Freak

  1. I wear nylons with my mules all the time.(drives my man crazy). Walking is still pretty easy for me. You can get small pads that glue into the shoe to make them less slippery.

    Good idea! My wife wears adhesive pads in her mules. They come in different thicknesses. She inserts them into her mules for tight and snug fit to keep her mules on her feet. Sometimes she buys sping-o-lators on e-bay that are slightly large for her and the adhesive pads work well. She inserts them into her spring-o-lators under the elastic band for a better fit.


    Mule Freak

  2. Hi Barbara -

    I hope you enjoy them. My wife has bought several pairs of Pollys from Republic. My wife especially likes the way the Pollys fit and how they feel on her feet. We have been customers of Republic shoes since 1965. They have been around since 1944, the year of my birth.



    Mule Freak

  3. Lol, I find it difficult to imagine that the lady who wore these in the 50s had many morals :winkiss:

    People's morals ought not to be judged on the type of shoe they wear. In the mid-fifties and early sixties I worked for a large company where many of the secretaries wore spring-o-lators. All the secretaries whom I knew that wore spring-o-lators were very nice people and appeared to have decent morals. One secretary who I gave a ride to work each day wore spring-o-lators everyday for the three years that I knew her. She was a hard worker and never said anything that I would question her morals. One interesting observation that I did make, that she always wore spring-o-lators and I never saw her wear anything else. I asked her one day why she always wore spring-o-lators and she told me that they were the most comfortable high heel that she could wear at work. In the company cafeteria during lunch, I could count about a half a dozen women wearing spring-o-lator high heel mules.

    My aunt from California also wore spring-o-lators and Polly Mules and she wore them to church on occasion. I have observed that women who wear high heel mules hardly wear any other type of high heels. Of course, high heel mules show off a woman’s pretty feet and make their legs look sexier and they even walk sexier.

    Why don’t high heel pumps get the same rap?


    Mule Freak

  4. From Robyn Michaels Website - Spring-o-lators and Polly Glamour Mules -- "Bad Girl" High Heel Shoes

    “The mule dates back to the ancient Sumerians and it was called a mulu. Centuries later, it was the Italians (wouldn't you know!) who added a curved heel under it. "This sexualized both the foot and the shoe by putting the shoe on a pedestal and leaving the foot half dressed and half undressed. It continues to be popular throughout the world, and is often used as an evening shoe...its half-open half-closed look is designed on the same principal as the see-through blouse or dress." The Sex Life of the Foot and Shoe, Dr. William A. Rossi


    The spring-o-lator high heel mule has an elastic strip located on the insole of the mule that “hugs” the foot to keep the mule on the foot. Also from Robyn’s Website:


    Who Invented the Spring-o-lator?

    The elastic arch sole that we refer to as the "Spring-o-lator" was granted a patent on October 11, 1954 (U.S. Patent Number 2,691,227 ) to a Mr. Maxwell Sachs, on a design submitted in December of 1951. (The original illustration on the patent application is for a man's loafer or slip-on style shoe!) Beth Levine, the wife, designer and business partner of noted shoe maker Herbert Levine, is credited with taking that concept and designing a women's mule type shoe around that feature.

    Visit Robyn’s Website or send her an e-mail at: robynmichaels@hotmail.com


    Mule Freak

  5. Does anyone know where the term "mule" came from and are they the same as slides? Whatever, my favorites also.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Mule (a French word) is a style of shoe that is backless and often closed-toed. They can be any heel height from flat to high. The style is predominantly worn by women, but not exclusively.

    The term derives from the Ancient Roman mulleus calceus a red or purple shoe worn by the three highest magistrates[1], although there is little indication of any structural resemblance.

    High-heeled mules were a popular indoor shoe style of the 18th century, influenced by the patten, a backless overshoe of the 16th century.

    In the early 1950s, Marilyn Monroe popularized the shoe,[1] and helped to break its poor reputation.

    Mules experienced some popularity in the 1950s and early '60s, and were seen in 1970s almost exclusively in the form of open-back Scandinavian clogs, but then re-emerged in the early 1990s, especially in its open-toed form (the "slide"), and began to dominate the shoe market for women.

    Slide is a common term that refers to a shoe that is backless and open-toed, essentially an open-toed mule. Generally, all slides are a type of sandal. Thongs and flip flops are normally classified separately. Slides can be high-heeled, flat-heeled or somewhere in between, and may cover nearly the entire foot from ankle to toe, or may have only one or two narrow straps. They usually include a single strap or a sequence of straps across the toes and the lower half of the foot to hold the shoe on the foot. The term is descriptive in that this shoe is easy to 'slide' on and off the foot when the wearer wants to do so.

  6. What do all you heely folks out there think about wearing sheer hose / nylons with mules / slides? I cannot decide what to do!! :winkiss:

    Hi Jay -

    I like seeing women wearing high heel mules bare footed with no leg or foot coverings.


    Mule Freak

  7. Here is a link to an excellent spring-o-lator (springolator) website!



    Mule Freak

    Republic Shoes in Denver Colorado still has some new vintage spring-o-lators (springolators) high heels in stock.



    Mule Freak

    I remember them well. The young girls where I worked all wore them, usually barefoot. I think that's what got me started with high heels. The spring-o-lator part disappeared after a while. It was patented.

    Ditto! Your experience is exactly the same as mine.


    Mule Freak

  8. Spring-o-lator mules were designed to hug your foot to keep you from slipping out. I wish they still made spring-o-lators, they would click and slap on the foot when women would walk. You could tell from the sound that a woman was wearing spring-o-lators. They still can be found on e-bay. I love women, who wear high heel mules bare footed, they look sexier and her mules have fewer tendencies to slip off.

    Here is link for good website for spring-o-lators.



    Mule Freak


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