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Posts posted by str82jail

  1. I am part of the lucky few that can swap shoes with my wife/spouse/SO. We both wear the same size so if and when one of us buys a new pair, the other can wear them. My wife likes to wear mens cross-trainer shoes, so she helps herself to mine when I am not using them. Then she will buy a pair of heels that she know will look good on her, that I will enjoy seeing her in (especially walking), and that I can wear at a later time if I want.

  2. When I was in High School and living at home, in the basement was my favorite hiding spot. There was a spot in the corner above the air ducts that was a perfect hiding spot. There was no reason for anyone to go over there. So I would recomend that you find a spot in the house where you can put them that no one is going to find them.

  3. Most of my shopping for heels has been online. I have found that is a cheaper way to go, and the fact that I am buying them for my wife. At home I have tried on her heels for fun a couple of times, and a few times she wanted me to stretch out a new pair before she wore them out. So, would I try on a pair in a store? If I was with my wife and she asked me to I would, but not if I was by myself. People are more open minded these days, but not that open minded.

  4. Just wanted to say Hi from just outside of Detroit Michigan. My wife and I both love high heels. She likes to wear them and I like to see her in them. Like what I have seen of the website so far! Became a member last year, but have not had a lot of time to look around the site. Now that things have slowed down, I hope to fully enjoy the site. Thanks, Matt

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