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Posts posted by antneed

  1. What a great purchase! Though it has been a long time, I have enjoyed most of my experiences at Payless. Based upon many postings they do seem to get many guys buying women's shoes, so it is no wonder they are usually comfortable in helping guys feel comfortable.

    The shoes themselves are quite nice. The cornerstone of any heel wardrobe should be a pair of classic black pumps. They work with almost anything you would wear with them and for most occasions.

    Actually, now that you have had a positive experience buying heels, street heeling should be a breeze. Interacting with the clerk, asking for a sock, etc. in essence is good practice for getting out in heels. At first, you don't have to make a big deal out of it, just a quick outing or two will help you build your nerve. Maybe the next time you go to Payless to look at shoes, wear your new shoes into the store.

    Good luck and great story!

    Happy Feat, reading your adventures have given me the inspiration to do it myself. I always enjoy your outing, and your outfits too!

    Thanks for the words of encouragement! Appreciate all the feedback as well.

  2. Just reading some old threads as I am new here....this is a great confidence booster for us tall guys!! I'm 6'3 w/o heels, I want to build up the confidence and go out in my stilettos! thanks got a great post OP and any other outings? Any pics too?

  3. Thanks to finding this forum, I went out and bought of pair of heels today!!


    From Payless, I used to have some heels I used to heel around the house with, but that was years ago before I was married.

    Wife was working today so I went out and bought them!! There was noone in the store and I was trying on shoes in the same aisle with the associate who was like several feet away!

    She even gave me the stocking things after I asked her where they were!

    Then she was even nice enough to let me know that they have buy one pair and get the second 1/2 off!!

    It was so much fun trying on all different styles of heels!! It was great!

    Had a nice conversation with the associate, overall a great experience!

    I've been wearing the heels all day around the house and have been doing good in walking in them. I still remember how to walk in heels!!

    My calfs are aching a bit now though.

    Had to put them away before the wife gets home:(

    But I think my feet and legs can use the break!! LOL!!

    I do have a question, the balls of my feet hurt after walking & wearing the heels all day....is there any type of insert you all recommend for this?

    I just need to build up the courage to street heel now....

    Thanks for all the great posts from other members on here I am heeling again myself!!


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