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Posts posted by shoemaniac

  1. I have quite a few pairs of high heels and some of them I can't even stand in let alone walk in. I have never been able to stand or wak in my 6 inch stilletoes until recently. Some months ago I aquired a knee injury at work and ever since i've been attending physiotherapy treatment and have discovered that I have tight hamstrings. When I have tried my 6 inch stilletoes before the physio I always had trouble straightening my legs and therefore could never stand or walk in them. Since I had the physio and done hamstring loosening exercises I have discovered I can now stand in them! So you guys and gals that have trouble standing in 6 inch heels need to do leg exercises that loosen your hamstrings.

  2. At least to me, there's a difference between a male wearing heels while dressed in male clothes, and a male dressed in women's clothes (TV).

    I absolutely agree I have on three occasions worn high heels with mens traditional attire but It's always been after dark and with alcohol consumption.

    I would like to pluck up the courage just to pop down to the shops in my high heels and wearing my regular mens clothes in daylight. One day maybe? :smile:

  3. If I saw a man in high heels in public I would feel jealous too I'd wish I could pluck up the courage to do that. I once saw a TV in my local superstore shopping and I regretted that I never complemented him on his high heels. I really wanted to know where he got his shoes from, they were black and white 5 and half inch stiletto heels with peep toe and bow detail gorgeous shoes!! I have made some outings in heels before but I feel I have to do the TV thing just to wear high heels. I have done one new years eve in full drag just to wear my 4 and half inch patent black stilettos in public. My favourite time wearing high heels in public was when I went to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show in Brighton UK last September. The looks I got from young women was great, it was mainly giggles from teenage girls and young ladies. When I left the show to walk back to my hotel I did encounter a group of young men who shouted abuse to me who made it clear that they didn't approve of my attire. I wasn't put off by this I carried on walking in my stilettos and completely ignored the small minded morons, by this time I was walking rather well in my high heels mainly because of the many alcoholic drinks that I had consumed that evening, all in all I had a great time in my high heels and will be going to many more Rocky Horror Picture Shows. :smile::smile:

  4. I have to hide my heels away from my parents who I live with, so they are all over the place in my room. I hide some in my beds under compartment some in an old DVD recorder box and some under the bottom draw of a chest of drawers and also some in a ottoman, yes I have loads of high heeled shoes and boots that I would love to wear all the time if I could.

  5. You say this lady must be one in a million I'm afraid that doesn't seem to be the case there are more narrow minded people than you may think. Some years ago I went into a women's clothing shop where they sell a nice selection of "women's styled shoes" in my size (10 UK) they had a sale on so I just had to buy a couple of pairs. I picked out two pairs of mules one white pair and one navy blue pair these weren't particularly high heeled mules in fact quite low for me they were about 2 to 2 half inch heels, I proceeded to the checkout and put down the two boxes of shoes down on the counter and I got the same response as I had before. The female shop assistant who served me was in her fifties and soon as she realised the shoes were a size 10 UK she was giving me looks of disapproval, she advised me that I don't have to come to the shop in person to save any embarrassment I could order from their catalogue instead, I just can't believe the amount of small minded ignorant people are out there.

  6. A few years ago I bought a pair of matt black three and a half inch heel pointy toed sling backs size 10UK from my local Brantano store, at the counter I was served by a women in her fifties wearing a trouser suit, she opened the box to check the shoes when she realised the shoes were a size 10UK she gave me a look of revile and raised her voice and said size 10 is that right!! She then went into great detail about the spare heel tips that came with the shoes whilst still looking at me in disgust she obviously knew I was buying them for myself, I wish I had the courage to remind her that it was only about eighty to ninety years ago that the trouser suit she was wearing would of been socially unacceptable and that people would of looked at her as if she had two heads. I think that the size of the shoes you are buying have got something to do with how you are treated, when I used to buy shoes for my now ex girlfriend no female shoe shop assistant ever batted an eyelid and my girlfriend took a size 8UK, I think also maybe the age of the shop assistant might be a factor too I think the older generation can't accept change so much?

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