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Posts posted by Acadianheels

  1. Bladerunner... Lemme say first I agree with Johnieheel. I am no expert in kids....but having been involved in youth organizations for the last 20 years I can tell you kids...are usually the most understanding of these sort of life choices. If anything they are the first to come around if they don't accept it at first...Only because teens these days are always doing crazy and wacky things to be different. We had a kid in our youth group that decided he liked flower dresses better then boy cloths. He was a str8 kid with good grades. He just like the outfit better. All the kids supported him. The School basically kicked him out for being a "Distraction to the other youth" so the school had a sit in, with all the participants wearing flower dresses... So I think if you are already planting items about your house hoping to get caught...sounds to me you are ready to tell them...so maybe you should have a family meeting. Be honest and show them what you like and explane why....but make sure to be confident or they will not take you seriously. They can sense that....Trust me I know. They may challenge you too....so just make sure to defend yourself with facts and in a loving way and you should be just fine. Best of luck to you. Acadianheels

  2. Unfortunatly...there isn't any good heels that you can wear to a construction job. lol. Kinda should think about a change of work. lol. If I were to start....a new job...and wearing heels at said job I would go with the new Payless 4 inch boots I got...they are quasi-unisex looking...kinda....I would start there and then venture into other types. Acadianheels

  3. str8 big time. I totally worship women. Couldn't with without them. =o) Just love the way heels feel and look. Always have since I was very very little. I discovered the love for heels when my neighbor, the girl who lived next door, both of us 5 or 6 years old playing the back yard and I noticed her d-orsay mini pumps. I asked to try them on and she always loved playing dress up so she was cool to let me and she wanted to put on my crummy old dirty sneakers so we spent the rest of the day in each others shoes right up until our parents notice...yeah, that wasn't so good. Got a good yelling over that one, so I couldn’t accept why girls had to wear girls shoes (all colors, cool looking patent and about 8 million choices and styles) while us little boys could only wear sneakers. With minimal choices and styles. I could never figure it out what the big deal was all about....that was the trigger of my love for heels. Never going to turn back either. =o) I look forward to the day that we have total public acceptance. Keeping a positive outlook. Cool thead with some great posts here.... Acadianheels (inching our way out on to the streets)

  4. Hey My6heels, Great movie and music. You should have someone follow you around next time to man the camera. I would like to know how people's reactions were. Did you get any good or bad responces? Would love to hear about them. Would perfer to hear and watch them happen on the video, but you were making a much more professional video there...I can tell. Love the sound track too. Nice jazz thing going on there. Well Catch yeah later. Acadianheels

  5. A lot fo the same with my reply. Have several pairs in red....lets see. Three stilletoe pumps in red two of which have ankle straps, and a pair of thigh high sparkle red boots. Yeah...Nothing to add about matching fashion. If I were going to do the cross dressing thing with any of these shoes....then it would be rather easy to come up with a combination of stuff to wear....However....going out as a guy in heels....in fire engine red....yeah....have no idea how to cordinate that one. Maybe a red top? or belt or something to compliment it? Would dif wear a boot cut pair of jeans to mostly cover them. Best of luck on that one. I think I would stick to black heels or earthy ton heels...much easier to wear as a guy and match the colors and what not. =o) No matter what you do, they will be noticed...I refer to red as the "HELLO!!!! DOWN HERE!!!!" color for shoes. Acadianheels

  6. Hey all, Was thinking it would be cool to see everyone’s top 5 favorite pairs of heels. :thumbsup: Here are the stipulations...I know I know....what? Rules? Ok, by heels lets limit it to 2.5 inch and higher only. Can be any style, make, manufacturer, look, color etc etc... You top five faves....Indicate the order and tells why...why are these pair’s your favorites...what draws you to them. Ok, I will start it off. These are my favorite five pair. The first are a pair of Seven Heaven Red Patent heels with two ankle straps. They are a very cool pair made in Canada. The heels are almost needle like coming down to a 3/16 of inch at the tip. They are my favorite pair cause they fit very well and look great. The second is a pair that I just bought myself recently as a xmas gift. They are made by Sexy Shoes owned by the Leslie Shoe corporation. They are a black patent heel with a metal spike. I have always loved the look of these heels. I like how I won’t ever have to replace the heel tips on these ever. The third pair are a black kid like skin, thigh high boots which I folded a bit to be more of a pirate-ish looking boot that just comes a little over my knee. These boots rock and fit very snugly. I think these could become a great pair on stage with a metal band. =o) The fourth pair are a pair of please 5.5 inch patent ankle boots. These are really rockin’ with a removable ankle strap with little locks on them. They have great Ankle support and these have seen some back yard wear. The last pair are by far the ones that have seen the most public use. They are a pair of Sage Cowboy boots with a 3.5 inch heel. I have worn these street heeling. I have been to a couple of night clubs with these and have worn them on stage with some bands I used to be in. I think these are a very fun pair of boots and will continue to wear them out...especially when it gets warmer. Alrighty! Any of you want to share? Take care and look forward to reading through the replies on this thread. Acadianheels:thumbsup:






  7. Hey Kneehighs, I just checked out the link...or should I say just finished checking out the link you noted above. Took me have the morning just to skim Shafted's posts. Well the cool thing is that I know all of the locations he has quoted in his posts. I am very fimiliar with all the areas he has ventured and I am completely shocked I haven't run into him. I don't live too far from where he works. Not the same town or nothing, but my summer adventures takes me to almost everywhere he has stated. I have been to his theater before.... Well maybe someday he will be back on the forum as he has tons of experience as to where I want to go in life. He sounds like we have would have a lot in commen. Shafted, if you ever come back on, come look me up one of your Maine brotheren. =o) Acadianheels

  8. Hey JH!

    Yeah I agree with you completely but there is this other issue.....

    Ok, I have seen what you look like JH. You are a SUPRISINGLY mid 50s dude (Man you totally look late 30s early 40s to me). You are built like a brick S*&T house. I mean that in a totally good way...totally tough strong looking guy. I wouldn't mess with you even if I had a gun you a set of brass nuckles....

    Ok, now my point. I am not a buff dude. If I went out, (forgetting my scocial stuff for a second) in a pair of heels around here, say a night club...I bet money about 10 guys who look as buff as you do, would be giving me the "I'm going to start a fight with the fag over there" look, and most likely at least three would try to start something.

    JH, I wish that all of us male heel wearers out there were all buff and could hold our own.

    HUGE Props to you on personal fitness...and I think you are inspiring me to hit the gym more often.

    Have you ever had situations of this nature...where you are a tough looking guy? Have you had anyone try to pick a fight?

    I guess Maine is still way to ignorant to accept more of an androgynous clothing style concept for the world.

    Kinda curious.

    Thanks for your post JH. You rock!


  9. Hey thanks for your post Thighighboot2 Yeah I agree...I know what you are saying. It is about incorporating today’s styles tastefully I guess...but if you folks saw me in real life, you would see I am totally stuck in another era all together...so one might first say....he needs a make over to make him look more today. So once again it goes back to general public view......I think I could tastefully wear heels out in public. I have a pair of 3 and 3/4 inch heeled cowboy boots that I have worn out to a couple of night clubs while out with my ex a few years ago and never got any flack from anyone (which by the way I was terrified when I first got there because no one told me it was bike week...lol) The chicks gave me good compliments on them so it was all good. I firmly believe a 5 inch chunk heel would be no different locally. Assuming I wore jeans which hide %75 of the heel while standing which is the current ladies trend with high heels (god knows why cause heels are beautiful and should be shown off like in the 80s). It is the stilletoe that is now a different thing altogether. Lets face it. If dude A walks into a room, wearing "Today looking" clothing with the help of a chick to make sure he looks fashionable. And dude B stands in the same room with the same outfit on. One is in chunk heels, the other in a stilletoe heel...which one has more of a chance of coming out of the room unquestioned of his sexual orientation? I think that is my big beef. I have a huge collection of heels. Stilletoed (my favs) and some chunk....Ranging from 1 inch all the way up 5.5 inch. The low heels are no brainers out in public. Easy. Been done and very natural for me. Cool. I want to wear all my shoes out in public. Even if some of the more dressier stilletoes I have are only out at a nice restaurant with my girl. Dunno...it is a frustrating time for guys fashions. Where this sociological issue gets me amused is that in nature we see females (ie birds) being of drab coloring. Very plane with some species being mistaken for others and the males being of very vibrant colors...the more coloring and more motion in there dances, mating calls, or whatever, the more likely to attract there mate. What the hell happened in humanity? =o) How did the chicks get that job? Guys today (and once again I am basing this on the Rural areas of the country and not so much the divers cities) dress in drab dark earth tones. What the hell? It is like guys have given up completely on looking good. There is a store not too far away from me that I go for milk and general supplies...and all the guys who live around here that frequent that store all look the same....cookie cutter. Shaved head, goatee(NO OFFENCE TO ANY OF YOU ON THE FORUM HERE WITH THAT LOOK!!!!!), Jeans, t-shirt.....I don’t hate people with this look, it is just so many with the same look. Very few guys who are clean shaving these days, very few that actually style there hair....Very few that comb there hair...oh what hair....I mean...it has become a cookie cutter society. Its about that popular acceptance. Sux really..... But I have gone off on way too many tangents now...Anyways thanks again for the post Thighighboots2. I hear yeah... Take care. Acadianheels

  10. JH.... Great pictures. Pretty buff dude. You make heel wearing look so natural. Rock on. \m/ Damn...have some exercise equipment. All compliments. Acadianheels. PS I want to post pics here but I am still waiting for my ISP to get back to me on how to upload to my server. Soon though.

  11. I wear Stilleto Pumps most of the time. I agree they cut into the ice better than a male dress shoe and the footing is more firm in heels.

    I'm in Maine today and walked across parking lot in ice and snow. Will do the same tomorrow morning.


    Hey Henri, So how are you liking our Maine Winters? =o) Lovely isn't it? Great for heeling. lol. I actually haven't dared to go out in stilletos in this weather yet. I am thinking about waiting for our next nor-easter. Blizzard for those of you who don't know what that is. I have always wanted to try out a pair of stilleto boots in the snow. Luckly my work gets out really late at night. The sidewalk plows don't come out until after the storms have passed. By the time I get out of work the dog needs to be taken out for a walk to go pee....so opertunity knocks...durring snow, late at night this place is freeking ghost town. So night heeling is good to go ususally. =o)

    Hey good luck with your parking lot walks.

    Hey just curious...but are you in southern or northern maine right now? Cause there are huge snow and ice condition differences. Just curious.

    Take care.


  12. Hey Simon. Thanks for your post here. I agree with some of what you are saying but some of it I do not. Here is what I think. I think a lot of guys focus on the stilletoes because it is the one heel that is the "Forbidden" shoe. I know if I were to take a pair of 4 inch black chunk heeled boots threw a pair of bell bottoms on, a valor shirt with a head band on and took a stroll over town every think "OMG that dude is totally retro 70s. How cool is that. Some wouldn't think it to be so cool but I know I could get away with it fairly well. Through out history, at any one given point in time the men of the world who have worn heels, including Kings of Europe (to be higher then his subjects), the popular 70s disco era of platform shoes and the ever so interesting 80s glam metal scene with the high heeled cowboy boots, and now goth era of the youth, you have never scene a man in and promoting stilletoe wear. It was always and usually a chunk heel of some sort. Or at least a quite thick heel. So, I believe the focus on the stilletoe on men with acceptance is just that final step for fashion freedom. Now concerning what you have stated about women and there choices of when and were to wear heels...yes I agree with most of that, but around these parts...."WHAT HEELS????" lol. I think that it goes to the three Ls Location Location Location. I can see, that London would most likely have a high number of women in high heels in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Cool. Out here in the middle of New England, the women have become lazy. Big time. Very little heel wear at all. If any. I mean yeah you will get the occasional chick out at the big box stores trying to make an impression...usually once again, the outfit matching the stilletoe...but it is rare...If you want to see girls in heels at all, better head to one of our two ...yeah two mall in the state. Both being a pretty good haul for me. Not that I am complaining. You are now most likely wondering where I am going with this....well I think at this point, women have become so used to the fact that they have fashion freedom they don’t need to exercise it. 75% of the population of women in my area wear sneakers on a day to day basis. It is too bad because high heels do so much for a persons look. They don’t have to be stilletoes...just a simple pump...anything....Just try....=o) Ok, I digress... Back peddling a bit. Just to finish I think the stilletoe is the end goal for male heelers who want to go public. It is our Pandora’s Box which everyone fears the evil of...but I think once we have overcome the fact that what is contained inside that box is nothing more then free self expression that everyone will be ok with it eventually. It’s just going to take time. Wow..Mega rant on my part this morning. Lol. Take care Simon. Thanks again for your post. Acadianheels.

  13. Hey That reminds me of one of my friends who has a business selling high heels and videos of chicks walking around in high heels. His business is an online thing and they have a shoe/fetish store not too far from where I live. Anyways they make there money off following there models around in 5.5 inch or 6 inch heels doing everyday stuff. Taking there bottles and cans back to recycling. Going to the laundry matt...etc etc.... Well they did one with one of the models shoveling the snow out front of the store. She was in 5.5 inch spiked heels, and a mini skirt. Mid Feb I think. It was off the charts funny, and cool all at the same time. Needless to say, she took some pretty amusing spills, but she was a touch girl and laughed about it.

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