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Posts posted by gusto10

  1. Recently I read on the conversation you had on the topic of tights for men. An issue which rouses many emotions. Interviews on this subject have been televised previously on the French television. But basically, the issue is whether garments are gender bound due to the way produced or due to a concept of which hardly anyone knows its origion. I do think it is the last, being Deutrimony 22:5 which has been the basis for psychiatrists like Binet and Jung to let Church law become a norm for deviation. In addition thereto there are many who do not realise that women are wearing lots of menstuff nowadays whilst nobody questions that. As soon as a men starts wearing a skirt, still common in non western societies, it raises a eyebrow. If one looks at the pictures of the Sun King Louis 14, one sees a man in tights. Heels are also worn in first instance by men, starting with the priest of old Egypt via equestrians in order to prevent the feet from shooting through the stirrups, in the Golden age of Europe the hight of the heel indicated ones importance in the society (red heels for generals and kings). Skirts for women were only introduced in the 19th century, trousers for women after the second World War (approx. 1960). Heels for men were normal during the flower power era. In all what iu now considered as deviant behaviour by some was normal just 50 years ago!

  2. Recently I order through internet a pair of boots, which ought to be the right size, but were to small. In addition some production errors which were disputed by the store. They asked me to come ion on a day during there would be not that much business, I did and than the person whom I should talk to was not there. That person claimed later on that I was there at a peak hour moment (no other customers, 2 sales ladies "picking their nose") etc. In the end a refund. Another experience, ordering a pair size 14 (womens), they were two sizes down. Boxes were marked wrong. They forwarded a new pair, which would be a 15 but again the markings on the box were altered. They claimed it was caused by the producer... Bu that brings me to the essence of the story, It is very difficult to find boots other than used by tv's or so calles sexy boots in sizes beyond womens size 11, at times 12 US. Any suggestions?

  3. When wearing heels, I prefer to wear pantyhose also as it will make life easier to put them on. In addition I do wear a skirt at times, also for the comfort, not top dress up or so. Looking back in time, heels for men were accepted as recent in the flower power era (late 60's early 70's), hence why now so much fuss. Skirts were worn by men till late 19th century, traded for trousers as such would be easier in the industrial setting. I guess that the basis question would be why as acceptance difficult whilst it used to be normal?

  4. Well, considering that in the late 60's, the flower power era, it was quite commen for men to wear heels and flowery outfits, it is surprising to see how women seem to have forgotten such. Also, looking further back history, one can see that heels were worn starting at least with the egyptian priests, so what is the hassle. For my ex wife it was in first instance a turn on, and shortly after under influence of one of her friends it was a turn of and ended our marriage. In addition to the influence of the friend, the was medication involved that made her depenend and thus she was probably brainwashed.

  5. Hi there I' m not really new, have been around a bit and looking as to what has been communicated. High heels, well they have fascinated me always, size has prohibited me long for trying. Some time ago I did try in combination with a skirt; the last was a request of my ex to be. In first instance she apprecited the combination, it really turned her as never before and soon after she changed her mind, 180 degrees the other direction and filed for devorce. No way to sit down and discuss the matter and at present I do have the feeling that it is only en excuse for getting a devorce as such is not uncommon when someone is chronically ill as she is. As to how I experienced it, I must say a skirt is rather comfortable, the heels well just fun and at time even better, e.g. when sitting behind my desk, but even more important, as I'm rather tall, when changing light bulbs no ladder required! At times people tend to forget that heels and skirts for men were in previous centuries as commen for men as trousers nowadays. Even more interesting, when psychiatrist Binet in Nice, France indicated that heels and skirts worn by men should be considered a fetish, up north wearing of skirts by men was still common in rural areas.., Still the thoughts of Benit caught on and ar still considered correct nowadays.

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