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Posts posted by b1tmaster0

  1. I believe, that the "not knowing how to walk in heels" is dangerous. As every-thing in this world need practice, so and for the heels. If "you" want to walk in these without injury and without look like a duck or ready to fall front or back, then you 'll have to excercise your feet, walking in them. You can not wear straight out of the "box" 6 inch and complain later that you have pains on you feet. As athlets do, you start from low and go higher. The point is, to, like you wear heels. Most of us, wear heels, without training. I think the "NO training before" is the problem and not the heels.

  2. No need to worry. If you like her, then this is no problem. In fact, she will feel more "aerial" and you will see her shine, every time watching you to be happy be with her. If you are proud for her, then the height is no more problem. Tall with heels, is the sexiest (and I mean beauty) think.

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