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Posts posted by heelshigh

  1. I can reach into the top kitchen cabinets without straining in my 6" plats. I love getting ready in the morning and keeping them on until the last minute. The only downside is shaving as the bathroom sink is lower than the kitchen counter.

  2. Two words - Daisy Duke !!!!

    Short Shorts and High Heels and semi fast cars.

    Plus it was filmed about 5 miles from where I grew up here in Georgia.

    I remember one poorly-edited scene where Daisy was either chasing or running from someone and ran down into a creekbed in stilettos, the next shot showed the stuntperson jumping across rocks in canvas or tennis shoes, then the next shot was Daisy climbing back out of the creek in heels again.

    Still very worth watching even with the editing errors and outrageous stunts. Plot? what plot? The episodes were planned in advance? No way! :thumbsup:

  3. I guess I'm the amateur in this thread. My highest are the ones in my avatar - 6" with 2" platform. Since the picture was taken I have cut the ankle straps off and they are more difficult to walk in. I think I could walk in 5 inch without platforms and am currently looking for some locally that I can try on before I buy.

  4. The formula as given is BS. It was made up to explain the high heels in "Sex and the City." Unless someone can come up with a constant to plug into the third leg of the triangle, you can't use the Pythagorean theorem to solve the problem. I'm no slouch at math and I'm stumped.

  5. heelshigh just curious where is the store you go try on the heels . i really enjoy trying on heels at payless and the girls there are cool with me walking around in them to make sure how they fit.

    It's not a chain operation - just a little lingerie shop in Oklahoma City and I can't think of the name off the top of my head. The owner found a niche that needed filling and sells a lot of merchandise. She will even special order things online for people who can't have stuff shipped to their home.

    Christie's Toybox and Priscilla's are also good for trying on shoes but they don't have the selection in larger sizes.

  6. Other than my wife, only a couple dozen shoe store clerks and "lucky" customers have seen me in heels. My taste in shoes is very feminine - the ones in my avatar are my current favorites. There would be no discretion or neutral and I'm just not willing to go all out. I was proud of myself Monday morning for walking about six feet from the garage door to the trash cans three times. With my heels under my work slacks, the darkness and rain helped insure that no one would notice. Good luck to all in your personal choices. ,

  7. I was up front with my wife from the beginning of our relationship and as long as it's private - just between the two of us - everything is fine. Trying on heels in the shoe store is as far as either of us is willing to take it. Sometimes it is a boost to our sex life if I get turned on while dressed up. She knows I'm aroused and this in turn arouses her so we end up doing things we wouldn't have just sitting around watching the idiot box. I believe there are two reasons for our success at handling this: The quality of our relationship and the fact that she didn't catch me doing something behind her back. She knows I don't have a homosexual thought in my head. When I wear heels around the house her most common comment is wondering how I walk so well in them.

  8. I'm partial to platforms and sandals but the Copas look nice and probably very comfy. The shoes in my avatar are the second favorite I've ever had. I love the way they feel on my feet but the hidden platform concept interests me. I'm looking for something in the area of 3/4 to 1" platform and a 4 1/2 to 5" heel.

  9. I'd be interested to know if your wife would stay? If you enjoy the Church and the social activity this provides, I have my doubts two women living as a couple would be welcome amongst mixed couples.


    I wouldn't do it, it was just idle speculation(What if?) Even though we're soulmates, I don't think she has any lesbian tendencies and would NOT stay with me.

    Now if I could go back and forth at will without it ever becoming permanent I could enjoy that for the rest of my life.

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