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Posts posted by twinkletoes

  1. Thanks for your ideas guys, the buckle suggestion was a great idea, along with the mix and match suggestion. I wasnt able to get my hands on any buckles per se, but I managed to pick up a couple of diamante brooches from a local accessory shop. Ive placed one of these at the side of each boot and they look like theyve always been there, and look rather classy too. So Ive managed to transform a plain everyday over the knee boot into a glitzy, but not over-stated "going out" boot, and along with a pair of leggings they look so Cher and rock chic. All for under a tenner too :w00t2:. Gosh your so lucky (the designer) to be able to get your mits on cheap designer boots that are unworn from your local charity shop, that would be a dream come true for me. Ive heard that even the charity shops are suffering in this climate as lots of people are not donating their unwanted items and are selling them on ebay and such like instead.

  2. Thanks to all you guys for all your welcomes, its so lovely of you, and is so much appreciated to be welcomed with open arms!! Thinks it must be time for me to move on from the introduction board now, with all your lovely welcomes, to start chit-chatting with the rest of you gorgeous people, to get your opinions and thoughts about "high heels", so I, in a few minutes will propose the question of : ............ ?????????

  3. Thanks guys....I'm just getting the hang of it on here, and I shall work on the photos....I'll probably need a bit of help on how to upload them onto here (a bit of a technophobe you see), but I'll get there in the end :winkiss: No Shrimper, I dont mind you asking at all, Im a UK size 5, which I think is a US 7.1/2 in shoes, but for boots I tend to go up a size to a UK size 6. This makes the boots more roomy and fit better for comfort, which even though I am comfortable in my shoes, with the extra room boots cant slip off your feet when walking. Speaking of slipping off your feet, even though it hasnt got anything to do with the size of the shoes, is the dreaded moment of walking along and getting your stilletto heel stuck down a gap inbetween the pavement. This causes you step out of your shoe in full pace, leaving it still stuck there in the gap in the pavement a step behind you. You then have to turn around and go back a step barefooted to prise it out from the gap, and then put it back on, and you'll be guaranteed this will never happen in an empty street....Am sure this must of happened to some of you out there at some point, lol :nervous: The things we endure for the love of our shoes eh ??

  4. Thanks guys for all your welcomes. So nice to hear from you all and to read your comments. I was over in the States myself a while back, and must admit I was in my element shopping over there. The price of clothing and shoes was so cheap in comparison to what it was in the UK, and its probably no surprise to you that I ended up buying a couple of pairs over there, that stand pride of place in my wardrobe. Its just a shame I couldnt buy more, but my suitcase was packed to the brim as it was, and theres only so much you can squeeze in and carry. I bought the most gorgeous pair of black strappy evening sandals with a 5" heel, with a droplets of diamantes forming an delicate ankle strap, these are absolutely beautiful, the only thing being is that diamantes jangle somewhat when I walk in them, lol, but I grit my teeth and jangle away and friends say that at least they will not loose me on a night out:smile:. Seems a shame to dismiss a gorgeous pair of shoes just because they jangle haha. I also bought a pair of stilletto's, a gorgeous brown colour patterned with bronze sequins with a 5" heel. I'm a bit particular with stillettos as I find some pairs arent designed properly (or arent to my taste) in that they dont flatter the feet and make them look frumpy, I'm doing my best to try and describe this, but in a way they make your feet look too long and "boaty" (I hope you know what I mean). But these ones are perfect, and with a cut out inset at the arch of the heel on the inside, they look divine.

  5. Hello there to everyone, I'm Twinkletoes, and I am 37 years of age and female. I have been hiding here on your site for the past long while and have just plucked up the courage to introduce myself., My passion for high heels goes back to before my own memories, yet I have living proof of with me photographed in my mums high heels back in the 70's wearing her high heels. Heels of being of more that 4"+ make me feel sexy and empowered those paired along with a nice pair of stockings, give me double the confidence.... And boots.....!! well......!! I love em, more than my shoes, I have ankle boots, knee length and a ridiculous over obsessive amounts of thigh boots. I am tall at 5"8, blonde and slim, some persons have asked if this is a problem for me, and seem to be thinking I should be wearing "flats", but no way. Would love to chat, get your opinion and talk about high heel shoes, boots, etc. Love XXX

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